613 – President Reed

Discussion (29) ¬

  1. Car

    Yea right, Sam can’ be president. He wasn’t born in America. (Hint: he totally was)

  2. Meander

    The white outfit is a good idea because it looks good on her. Duh.

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      I could not agree more. One of Marc’s best redesigns.

  3. Infamous Nefarious
    Infamous Nefarious

    What? No hat??

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      I know. It makes me sad, too.

      • Infamous Nefarious
        Infamous Nefarious

        What good is being President if he can’t get a hat?

        I guess means ‘Soviet Sam’ is now ‘Uncle Sam’. :D

        • Brock Heasley
          Brock Heasley

          And JUST when our Russian friends were getting into SF.

  4. Bender_Sastre
    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      Ding, ding, ding! All the kudos are yours, sir. Nice work.

    • Ran

      So in this version he never stopped being a villain huh. Something something George Bush.

      • Brock Heasley
        Brock Heasley

        I think your politics is showing.

  5. Professor Harmless
    Professor Harmless

    Not quite a shocker for people paying attention, but a good direction I think. Did you know that alternate history practically has become it’s own sub genre? This could be almost as fascinating as if I had ever existed in the first place.

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      Yeah, I’m admit I’m a huge sucker for alternate universes. In fact, I’ve got a whole other comic idea that is all about parallel universes in a way I’ve never seen before. I hope to one day get to use it.

      The alternate history of Earth-Avalon and how and why the two worlds are different will clear by the end of this chapter. You can probably already guess at least one major points of deviation. There are a few others.

      • Professor Harmless
        Professor Harmless

        Oddly the first guess that comes to mind is that there is no “Jerry” in Avalon.

        • Brock Heasley
          Brock Heasley

          No comment.

      • Bender_Sastre

        How ya’ gonna explain the 4/5 finger diversion?!

        • Brock Heasley
          Brock Heasley

          Verrrrrrry carefully.

  6. Marcus

    Wow, and when you really think about it…you had to,see this coming considering Sam’s nature in the strips so far.

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      That you can say that makes me very happy. I hate it when Alt universe stuff is just the opposite of what we’re familiar with with no rhyme or reason to it. This should feel logical to a certain extent or it just doesn’t work.

  7. gnrrrg

    She just can’t wear that outfitt after Labor Day.

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      Heh. Someone’s been reading the tags.

  8. John Jett

    I knew that cover was a great idea!

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      Indeed it was, sir! You just didn’t know how good.

  9. Dierna

    Sam is the president?! Awesome! I’d totally vote for him!

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      Who wouldn’t? (Well, 45% of the voters, as it turned out.)

  10. soviet sam rulz
    soviet sam rulz

    ou yea a world where he rules ,) that sam is a great guy

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