UPDATE! Have some fun and read Chapter 16 from the beginning all the way through right here!
Secrets, secrets are no fun
Secrets, secrets hurt someone
Here’s the deal, the title of this chapter is a lie. Secrets are really fun. It’s fun to have them, it’s fun to keep them and, in storytelling, they’re essential. They captivate an audience and motivate characters in a clear and concise way. Characters keeping secrets from each other can supply endless story opportunities and conflict.
Which is, of course, why I wanted to get rid of them and blow the story all to pieces in this chapter. The big secret at the heart of the story of The SuperFogeys–so far–has always been that Jerry is Dr. Klein is The Third Man. Until the end of Chapter 9, it was a secret that was kept even from the readers. Now, finally, all of the characters are in the same position of knowledge as all of you. That’s a huge resetting of the board. If you’re not looking at the above strip and thinking “Wow, everything’s changed” then you’ve got some archive diving to do! Because this is big.
I really, really loved making this chapter. There were things Marc and I finally got to do (like the return of Money Man and the beginning of Swifty’s time travel adventures) that we had been waiting for for a long, long time. So, what’s left? Where in the world are we going next?
The next chapter is “Chapter 17 – Invasion, Part Four: The End of Lies.” That’s kind of a heavy title, but it’s an apt description. The Chapter will principally concern itself with three characters: Spy Gal, Tangerine and Zurida. Each of these characters have been dealing with lies in one way or another–some of them knowingly, some of them not–and the next chapter will see those lies come crashing down on them in a big way. Expect hints to new mysteries, the unexpected return of old characters and your first look at The Guthrie.
But, come on. I think there’s really only one thing you want after today’s strip (I know it’s what I want to see): Spy Gal confronting Jerry. It’s happening. Next chapter. You seriously do not want to miss it.
This marks the last strip for a little while. I know, I know. It’s a terribly unfair cliffhanger, but my wife and I are going on a long overdue vacation. SuperFogeys is a two-man show, so it can’t quite go on with me. Marc gets to get ahead on the strip a bit and you lose out a bit, but we WILL be back. On July 22nd. See you then.
It’s a little known fact that ‘boze moi’ is actually russian for ‘oh snap’.
Bring Sam back a new hat!
D’oh! I thought he was actually talking in french (Which, of course, called my attention a bit, him being Russian and all, but I always took Soviet Sam for a well-cultured person.), I’m a numbskull!
And I agree, he REALLY needs his hat fixed. (And possibly a new attire, with the Soviet Union being defuntc and all.)
Credit where it’s due: I originally had Sam saying “Oh man…” It was Marc who suggested the “Boze moi” which is way, way better and makes way, way more sense.
As for Sam’s look… I do like to change up the look of the characters now and again. (Anyone remember the last time they saw Cap in his suit?)
It’s a new age, with new-found resolve, and new-found vigor.
Time for a new-found look.
A great man once said: “When you care about what is outside, what is inside cares for you.”
George Zimmer?
The Sphinx! He’s terribly mysterious…..
I thought the Sphinx was female and commited suicide when Oedipus solved her riddle….
See, all I can think of when I see “bozemoi” is The Twelve Chairs. XD
Technically, the thing I really want to see is the Money Man, alive and living and Soviet Sam freed of his lifelong burden. But Spy Gal confronting Jerry is good too.
I was just thinking the same thing, on both accounts!
The thing about lifelong burdens is they tend to last a lifetime.
Are you saying you want Sam DEAD?
I will peg your response as a case of willful misinterpretation. And lifelong burdens don’t have to last an entire lifetime…
I wonder how they’ll both react to Swifty’s actions on blaming Jerry and see that he was right ?
Not well. Would YOU want to admit to Swifty that he’s right?
Hehehe I was right.
So Dr. Klein = Jerry is no big deal to Tangerine but Dr. Klein = the Third Man might get him some action.
Sort of makes Swifty finding out about it seem anti-climatic now.
This is INDEED a great twist of events: All the while, I thought Tangerine knew about Dr. Klein being both Jerry AND the Third Man, with all the consecuences it implicated.
In truth, while Tangerine knew Jerry was posing as Dr. Klein, he didn’t know he was also a villain bent on selfish and harmful desires.
Both this subtle plot twist, as well as the way Brock and Marc presented it, are truly noteworthy and commendable. Way to reveal a huge series of long-hidden secrets, guys!
“Subtle plot twist” is probably the best way to put it. We layered that one in a long time ago and it’s fairly minor as far as these twists go, but it was a fun to see people finally catch on to it in the past couple of weeks.
Thanks, Silly!
Gaaah! I can’t wait until the 22nd!
Me neither. Vacations suck!
I promise we come back with a bang.
боже мой indeed. Это не сулит ничего хорошего!
Well put!
Awesome wrap up to the chapter! Glad to finally see the Bubbles of Light time hopping see it’s start! Love how Marc made sure that the segments of the future you drew – right down to Jerry’s face and hand – matched perfectly. By the way, been wanting to send you some more fan art your way. I had been VERY busy artistically lately with a VERY slow season at work (yes, I drew 7+ months of updates for my comics almost entirely at work, save for a strip or two), so lately I thought, “Why don’t I take a break and do some fan art to refresh me?” Unfortunately, we ended the slow season at work this past week it seems, but if I can I’d love to send something your way, Brock. Anyway, you have a great vacation and you and Marc keep up the fantastic work! My NEW updates to SuperMilo start July 6th! Out.
Thanks, Will! Whenever you’ve got it, I’d love to see it.
About two and a half weeks? That’s nothing compared to some webcomics I feared the artist went and died or something. And some who I’m determined to stay the course until the series is over, even if we only get an update every 1-2 months.
So please … we’ll whimper and suffer from withdrawl symptoms, but we’ll survive. Enjoy your vacation.
Man, you are faithful reader of some bummer comics. I hate making you guys wait. Hate it. Glad you’re cool with it, Kent.
Marc did a brilliant job, Soviet Sam’s eyes and Space Pig’s dramatic reaction. It’s a good thing Space Pig had his helmet on or he’d have ended up with . . Hoof in mouth! *rimshot* I apologize, I just couldn’t help myself:)
Sometimes it’s best to just get it out of your system. We understand, Andrew.
I’ve been following this comic for over a year and I decide to post just now?!
Oh, well, redemption is better late than never, am I right?
Now comes the sad paradox: Secrets are beautiful, they makes us wish to find out their nature, and for everyone else to know them as well. But as we learned about them and discover their true nature, they become dull, uninteresting. We love secrets because we wanna find out what they are all about, and suffer for not knowing them, but once we do, they loose their charm, and we suffer for that as well.
Hey, if anyone here could answer this question to me, I’d be much obliged:
Is this an alternate universe where humans only have four fingers on each hand, or is that just Mr. Lapierre following with on the first strips’ drawing style?
Hey Silly, good to know you! Feel free to come out of the woodwork anytime. Enjoyed your comments today.
As to your question… I think I’m gonna let others handle it.
I see you on the comments section here today, Brock. Promise me you won’t reply to any more of them once you get on vacation.
I can NOT wait to see how this turns out!
I think this was our first hint that Tangerine would be the one to reveal the big secret. http://superfogeys.com/2009/05/07/207-not-my-story-to-tell/
I still wonder why the Guthrie is called the Guthrie. Sounds more like a MacGuffin to me.
(I have not died, I’m still working on my comic, just slowly. Life has been…interesting.)
the fact that tangerine had NO idea that he was the 3rd man was a turn i didn’t expect. i knew he had him pegged for jerry. Maybe this will get tangerine into the fight! MAN o MAN BROCK you know how to tell a tale!!!!!
As previous comments on this page indicate, I absolutely LOVE that unexpected turn of events.
This comic is above the average for several reasons.
Some comics become super popular due to their premises (animal characters, fantasy worlds, video game or movie parodies.), but there are already a lot of super-hero parody webcomics, so this strip had to work hard and offer something hat none of the others could delive, in order to become popular.
With the origin stories, the ridiculous characters, the cleverly placed jokes and witty remarks that fit in with the rest of the ambiance, and, most importantly, the detail of the character development for all the individuals in the story, including minor ones (remember when “Soviet Sam: The super-villain who killed Money Man.” was just a pasing joke?, And a good one at that! XD), makes me completely sure that this comic truly delivers.
Also, I loved that guest strip with Captain Spectacular saying “Alright, everyone who is also Jerry, raise your hand.” and everyone does, except for him and the nurse, the latter exclaiming “I quit.” XD