600 – Earth-Avalon

Discussion (54) ¬

  1. Alecat

    I know someone that’s going to be very happy with this update.

    • John Scobie

      Damn straight!

      • Brock Heasley
        Brock Heasley

        Do tell, John!

        • John Scobie

          Oh, it’s nothing huge. I’ve just been a big Thrice Evil fan for quite a while and always felt that he’d been treated very unfairly by the narrative – his sole appearances before his diminution were as a background figure (SFO: Society of Heroes) or an emasculated villain (Cellmates). This version of Thrice might actually be able to deliver on the name, which is certainly something I’m looking forward to!

          What’s most interesting in this strip to me is that it shows that pretty much every element of the other Thrice’s decay seems to be the result of Jerry’s abuse – the other Earth-Avalon characters all seem to be aged similarly to their regular counterparts (Tangerine is the best point of reference, but you can also see that Starbrighter is looking pretty far past it), while this Thrice is as physically imposing as he ever was. I’ll be keen to see where the story ends up from here!

          • billydaking

            Maybe there’s more to Thrice Evil than simply this being an “Earth-Avalon version”. Not going to speculate more, but just think of who Thrice is (from his origins) and how Jerry kept him under wraps.

    • Alecat

      Alt-CoW is interesting too. I didn’t think SF would be touching on that again.

      • King G
        King G

        What do you mean “Alt-CoW”? This is going to become the new mainstream. Or, that’s what I’m hoping, anyways. When I cheer for the bad guys, I mean it.

  2. Professor Harmless
    Professor Harmless

    Well Hello there Neil! Pleased to make your acquaintance! Any chance you could point us in the direction of the fellow that’s behind all of this?

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      I refer you to the last panel. Let there be no bones made about this.

      (What does that even mean?? Who makes bones?)

      • Professor Harmless
        Professor Harmless

        Why those nice folks over on Kamino, of course.

      • Joe Fonebone
        Joe Fonebone

        Ever have anyone want to “Pick a Bone” with you?

  3. Dierna

    Mirror Universe FTW!

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      Yes… and no.

      Remember your comment. It’s relevant.

  4. Bathbomber

    I’d forgotten about this!
    Thrice Evil’s mom had 5 fingers all along!

    • Cyrian

      Everybody in this comic has five fingers. Might be that the artitst just liked it that way or it wasn’t the origin our Thrice, although my guess is the former option.

      • Brock Heasley
        Brock Heasley

        Very perceptive. Great memory.

    • WGC

      So that’s Mommy in the background? Oooo…

  5. Bathbomber
    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      You’ll have to ask her.

      Margaret, are you out there?

  6. Mumby

    Went back and checked. The Money Man whose come back has (dun-dun-duuuun) five fingers!

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      You are correct, sir! Excellent sleuthing.

  7. Marcus

    What the ?!?

    Also,congrats on 600 strips. :)

    Still, Swifty is in Big trouble this time, if he’s on the home world of T-Magus and Gina, but now I wonder HOW they got into our world in the first place and even WHy they’re here in the first place ? :(

    • King G
      King G

      The answer is an easy one–In the origins of the Thrice Evil, Bruce was sent through the portal to another dimension…Where his mother had been turned into a monster:
      Was killed by Mr. Crook shortly after returning:
      and then Thrice Evil declared his hatred for Dr. Rocket:

      *Everyone* has five fingers on each hand, in that origins story. I’d guess that story took place in the Earth-Avalon dimension. Later in the life of Earth-Avalon’s Thrice Evil, he would conquer all of space…or somesuch thing as that; Starbrighter’s still alive somehow, at least….Eh I danno what I’m talking about anymore. With his ability to transcend dimensions, it’s entirely possible (however unlikely) that this thrice evil collected every other member of his crew, from a different dimension.

      • King G
        King G

        Also, this is terrific work. Thank you Marc and Brock, for getting along well enough to make it this far; I hope the two of you will continue to go much farther together with the SuperFogeys.

      • Lewis

        Got to disagree with you since that appears to be Thrice’s mother in the background, it looks to me as though the splitting off point may be that she wasn’t killed by Mr. Crook when she came through the portal.

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      Marcus, you’re asking the right questions. The answers unlock pretty much everything else you would want to know. Hopefully, it won’t take long to get to them.

      King G, it’s never been stated that Thrice can travel between dimensions. He did get his powers in that way, but he’s never been shown to have that ability. Hopping dimensions is tricky business, but as we’ve seen with the past couple updates there is a person who can do it. Oh, and thanks for the kudos. I hope you’re right!

      • King G
        King G

        Unless Earth-Avalon’s timeline is a few years later than the timeline of Swifty-Three-Fingers (where Doc. Rocket is still alive, though admittedly dying from cancer)…Oh, Thrice himself doesn’t need to travel between dimensions. After what happened to himself and his mother, he wouldn’t want to risk a portal again unless he’s certain it will lead where he intends for it to.

        But Thrice Evil doesn’t strike me as the sort who’d readily forget, or forgive, past grievances. I’m thinking Dr. Rocket and Mr. Crook are either hiding/running/resisting, somewhere…Or more likely, they’re both dead. Thrice controls (or at some point in the past, has tried to control) the portal that gave him his power.

  8. devilflamejr

    Oh my effin’….. is that?… and is that?! Holy diver, this is too cool for me even to process!

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      Luckily, you’ve got two weeks to do it!

  9. gnrrrg

    Face-off between parallel universe Swifties – go!

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      Ooh… I want to see that.

    • Silly Zealot
      Silly Zealot

      It’ll be the greatest number of swear words to ever come out of a pair of old folks who are neither sailors nor football entusiasts.

  10. quarktime


    Thrice Evil? Gods and little fishes, that’s not good…

    Congrats on 600 strips!

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      No, it is NOT good.

      Thanks, Gwen!

      • quarktime


  11. kavonn

    Lesse….Master Mandible, Johnny-go-dead (or whatever his name is), Monica, Thrice, Starbrighter, Suck-Face, Thrice’s mom, a two-cybernetic-handed version of Tangerine, and whatever that rabbit thing is. Dead people, and alternate people….and we’ve got time-travelers involved.
    Wait, Johnny Go Dead has a rabbit too?

    • Cyrian

      The rabbit is probably Dr. Rocket’s Harvey. My guess is that zombies in this universe don’t hate each other and Johnny and Harvey bondet. Maybe even sided against Rocket but that is purely a theory.

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      Good roll call. It’s Master MASTICATE and JIMMY-Go-Dead, but why quibble?

      I like Cyrian’s theory about the rabbit. Also, the tags are helpful.

    • Silly Zealot
      Silly Zealot

      I find it REALLY interesting that in that world, Tangerine is missing both arms AND allied withthe witch doctor that cut them off (Unless it was something else in that world.).

      And yes, that “zombies don’t hate each other here” theory would be a good explanation, unless Harvey is not a zombie in that new Earth.

  12. King G
    King G

    This comic is constantly putting it into my head now–Old age is optional.

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      Comment of the week (I don’t care that it’s early). There’s nothing anyone can say that’s better than this.

  13. Cyrian

    Yay for family reunions! “Mom, about this whole ‘eating-me’-thing… I forgive you!” *Start the emotional music*
    I jest, this page is very good, might be my favorite in this chapter. Love the details. I am wondering why Thrice is not old in this universe. Might be timetravell or someone was right and his team recruits from multiple dimensions, which is not too likely but makes a lot of sense, assuming Avalon-Thrice can jump dimensions without larger limitations.
    Not sure if Suckface is just shaven or old and bald. More variables…
    Anyway, you guys did an awesome job and here is to a couple of hundreds strips more!
    (Or thousands, however long you want the comic to go on.)

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      Thanks, Cyrian! Thrice’s recruitment practices are not as complex as all that. The nature of Earth-Avalon will be made clear soon and we’ll be seeing a lot more of it. That should answer a lot of your questions.

  14. Valareos

    So are the olympics here called EA Games?

    Bad pun sorry. ill go hiding now

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      TERRIBLE pun. But, yes.

  15. Andrew

    Thrice Evil!!!! What a delightful note to return on. Such a wonderful collection of alternate dimension versions of familiar faces! I was in the process of moving and was deeply disappointed to miss my chance for crazy speculation on the last strip. :(

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      Andrew! Hey man, good to see you again. I have certainly missed your crazy theories. Should be lots of fodder for more in the next chapter.

  16. Michael Kinyon

    Semi-called it. I was right that Money Man’s use of the definite article was important, even if my “guess” was wrong:


    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      I remember that guess and knew you’d called it then. Happy to give you credit now!

  17. CartoonistWill

    Hey, Brock! Marc! Just caught up on the comic after a couple months of MIA. You’re right, I LOVE Swifty’s return, especially seeing him unchanged. I dunno, feels like one of those old Marvel things with Spiderman or etc or something when they deal with time travel or dimension travel and the hero is all like, “Whoa?! What tha!?” Anyway, I really just love Swifty, is all.

    And you’re right about something else. Keeping the status quo eventually gets boring.

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      Hey Will! Good to hear from you again. Had been wondering where you’d gotten off to. Glad you’re excited about the new happenings. We’re pressing forward and big things are in the offing!

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