There’s a lot I could say about this strip, but I think it’s better left for you guys below to get the conversation started. We had a great one a couple days ago and I don’t want to muddy the waters with my stupid thoughts… yet.
For those looking for a refresher, this is not the first time Tangerine has done something like this. He did some reading though and changed his ways. Then he got kidnapped. Then his boys got threatened. And here we are.
Only 3 more strips left in this chapter! That’s right, this is not the end. Would you believe… it gets worse?
Bezuel sure has a tin ear. I would not be surprised to see Dark Maiden proceed to destroy Tangerine and/or his sons.
Dark Maiden’s reaction to today’s strip is precisely the subject of Monday’s strip.
Good riddance to bad rubbish!
No heart, sir! No heart!
I guess you could say that…. pop went the weasel!
i’d say they got what was coming to them!!! Poor tangerine though…
You don’t let up on any of these guys! They just can’t catch a break! It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad/horrifying.
Oh. Okay, I’ll stop laughing now.
Brock, things are as masterfully twisty as ever. Confused as to what Star/Dark Maiden will do in response. Still confused as to what Cap will do from here. Still confused as to what Mega Matt is doing here at all (I can tell it’s significant!). Tangerine? Yeah, if he isn’t also brutally slain before then, I think we just saw him break completely. Many kudos to you too, Marc. This whole sequence is so outlandish (even if you *don’t* count *what* each subject you had to draw is) as you laid it out, it should look the part. Look garish, even. But it doesn’t. It looks pretty damned serious.
Thanks as always, Holaved! Marc really made this one special, I agree. That last panel is just haunting.
Last panel: “Lightbulb hanging on the roof, you are next!”
You know, I’d question where the hell the minions are that are theoretically supposed to be guarding them, but then I remembered they’re incompetent minions…
All minions are incompetent. That’s why they call them minions.
But to be fair, despite how long this is taking to share with you, it’s all happening pretty fast.
We once had a conversation at work about being a minion for a villain. Like, if you didn’t know who the Hulk was, and your minion supervisor tells you, “Ok, when the big green guy comes through the door, just shoot at him.” And you’re thinking, “Big green guy? That doesn’t sound good.” And then he rips the wall off the building and you’re left with the conundrum of staying at your job as a minion or getting the heck out of Hulk’s way.
You are losing your job as a minion no matter what you do, so….
I find the comment in World Trademark Review very sunprisirg. If the US manufacture of goods for a copyright holder amounted to a first sale (to the copyright holder?), the doctrine would equally apply to domestic right holders exporting their goods abroad – but we know that the first sale doctrine does not apply to foreign sales of exported goods. The first sale doctrine is an exhaustion rule – it is only a sale by the right holder that engages it.
Dang! This is escalating, fast…
Exactly. See?
Never can relax can ya.
Holy crud! That’s Tangerine’s arm! That’s really it!
So Dexter made it in his lab-OR-atory! The kid is older than he looks!
Or maybe Dexter is related to Tangerine!
Wait a second…
The orange hair, the fact that he isn’t very tall, the glasses, the fact that we know future Dexter is super buff and his future enemy is a brain in a jar, access to alternate dimensional / time travel technology, being totally awesome….
What could it mean?
Stair Maiden: Blonde, thin, crazy like no other, destructive, has a history with laboratories. I’m wondering what is going on here.
It’s about time that someone did that, but something tells me that Star Maiden isn’t going to like this since Tangerine killed her father.
You do not have long to wait to find out.
That one was kind of expected.
I agree. Also my guess is that his sons are going to pay the price. Still, let’s see the bright side: He has defeated half of the leaders of the invasion
They’ve still got Zurida and Percy to worry about though, and that’s assuming that Stargirl/Dark Maiden doesn’t go evil again.
Isn’t it nice that this isn’t the last strip of this chapter? Because I do think this is logical after what happened to Tom and I’m glad that it feels that way.
This is what i expected and hoped for. But I am completely up in the air over Dark Maiden’s response. I can see her: 1) taking revenge; 2) rejoicing that her scumbag father is gone; or 3) snapping her back to her old-old self—the non-dementia Star Maiden. (Didn’t her papa bring on the dementia by messing with her brain?)
In her first run as Queen Dark Maiden they stabbed her with a poisoned knife as a “parting gift.”
Dark Maiden can’t kill Matt, he just got back! Though I can’t wait to see what she does next.
Dark/Star Maiden has basically had her brain melted twice. The first time was when she returned to her homeworld to seek treatment for health issues. She was given a serum that ostensibly was designed to bend her to the will of her evil father (Bezuel) and her evil mentor (Starbrighter), but instead it created a dark, uncontrollable persona. The second time was years later when, after ruling her homeworld with an iron fist, she was betrayed by her people and stabbed with a poison knifed dipped in another Bezuel-designed serum. That’s when she went positively loopy and was sent back to Earth. Now she fluctuates between the dark and loopy personalities, but it’s been a long time since anyone has seen the real Star.
Very powerful strip! Well done! I feel bad for Tangerine since he seemed to be at peace with himself. This could not have been an easy arc to write…so many ways it could go. Looking forward to see what happens next!
JimmyMuraco, I really did kind of struggle with this point in Tangerine’s arc. I really, really, really did not want him to make this choice, but ultimately this is what felt right. Tangerine’s has always been a story of awakening and redemption, and I felt like a “relapse” like this would be essential to really telling that story honestly. Does that mean Tangerine will get better? Or will he succumb to the darkness now that he’s unleashed it once again? That’s for future stories to tell.
The whole “finish it” … yeah, bad choice of words. You knew he was gong to lash out in anger, and well … they were within lashing range.
As to what will happen to Tangerine, I have a feeling Cap’s gonna go primal on him, but he’ll be “saved” by his sons telling him what happened. Could potentially see Cap shattering or nearly destroying Tangerine’s artificial arm in the process.
Dark Maiden, who knows,she’s just seventeen shades of messed up.
Bad moment for Bezuel and Pilatius to demand obedience for sure. You will love Monday. Somebody definitely responds to Tangerine’s actions here.
Exquisite! I want a mural of panel 2 on my wall! Marc always does an amazing job on facial expressions, but the one on Pilatius in mid head-pop and Tangerine’s rage are glorious! Also, Bezuel kind of brought that on himself. If reduced to a brain in a jar with no apparent means of defending yourself, it’s probably not a very good idea to threaten the lives of someone’s children while floating in close proximity. He should have have made himself a genetically engineered super gorilla instead of counting on Star/Dark Maiden to protect him. Lot’s of speculation on Star/Dark Maiden’s reaction. Two possibilities I didn’t see suggested: 1.) She calls it even since she already killed a member of his family, the late unlamented Healer. 2.) She accepts Zurida’s offer since she needs a new family. It will be interesting to see where Tangerine goes from here. Whether he’ll abandon his new found faith and return to his old ways, is torn to emotional shreds trying to reconcile what he’s done with his beliefs, or snaps and goes on a fanatical head-popping crusade of smiting the wicked. Also, Brock, I’m guessing this partially why you found my “Tangerine kills himself” speculation so funny.
You’re not wrong, Andrew. In a way, Tangerine does kill himself–his spiritual self. At least, I’m sure that’s what he thinks.
You, along with everyone else, will love next week! Some people are guessing a few things right.
Of course, no one is even coming CLOSE to guessing how this chapter actually ends. And no one will.
Oh, SNAP!! Tom is dead! And we’ve taken out pretty much the main and only villains, besides Dark Maiden (not counting Zurida on account of her NOT wanting to kill all earthlings – except for that, she’s bad, yeah). I admit, I did NOT expect this.
By the way, Brock, I feel kind of disappointed about the direction the whole Jerry thing went. Why? I feel like it was all big, big stuff, but when it came time for the major pay off of him finally being revealed, all we get is Spy Gal ignoring and excusing him and acting like he’s a 5 year old child (“I’m sorry we didn’t pay attention to you, Jerry”). Then again, there was some nice dialogue there, especially when Jerry finally snaps and melds his personalities together (or, more correctly, blows his cool and shows just how deranged and dangerous he really is; I of course speak of the point in which he is yelling threats and slander at Spy Gal, who he previously claimed to love and be crazy about. With that said, I guess it’s not so much a melding of personalities, as it is perhaps showing the true personality: not innocent, naive Jerry, nor the sinister but calm, cool, and collected Third Man, nor the equally calm, cool, and collected but mature Dr. Klein, but some third character akin to some sort of nightmarish selfish brute). Anyway, when I start throwing around adjectives to look impressive, I know it’s time to stop typing. I was somewhat disappointed though, so I hope there’s more to this Jerry thing. I felt like the plot centered all on Jerry, but now things have changed, and I’m not really sure where that’s headed. Guess that could be a good thing. And, you know, it could be worse. It could be as bad as my comic writing, lol.
Hope you and Marc had a great Christmas/New Year!
Welcome back, Will!
You are allowed any and all disappointments. I can tell you that Jerry’s story is far from over. SuperFogeys, since day one, has been designed around Jerry and while it may seem like his story has receded to the background with everything else going on, I can assure that is far from the case. I’ve always said that I have an ending for SF, and Jerry is a big part of that. In fact, the ending of SF is basically my final statement on not only The SuperFogeys, but also Jerry himself.
But SF is also an ensemble, so characters will rise and fall in importance as we go along. Tangerine has dropped out for whole chapters, but this chapter has featured him in a big way. I’d say there was a long time there when Captain Spectacular was the main character, but now it’s probably Spy Gal. This is how it goes. Hopefully everyone is cool with me taking them on this ride and allowing things to get changed up now and again.
All of which is to say that I agree with you. If this chapter represented the end to Jerry’s story then it would be a disappointment, but it’s not. Hope that makes it a bit easier to take!
So now Pilatius is dead…and not the kind of dead that you can come back from. That means that the crystal can’t be destroyed, which means BAD THINGS.
Thanks for remembering, Jordan! Yeah, Pilatius being dead creates a whole slew of new problems. The next chapter will address this directly.
And that’s now only the second thing I’ve ever said about the next chapter.
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