Did you hear the big news? SuperFogeys is now on Comixology! We’ve been working on this for what seems like forever and I’m so glad it’s finally, FINALLY real. You can get all the details right here in yesterday’s blog. Please help support SF!
Don’t forget there’s a new SuperFogeys Origins page on Friday. This one ends in a big twist–see you then!
Even worse, the people in that universe have FIVE FINGERS ON EACH HAND! What a bunch of freaks!
It is seriously disturbing.
Sam confronted that mystery head on.
Indeed! I kind of figured the discussion would go the way it did on Monday, so I crafted the script for this strip accordingly.
The tragedy of multi-universal theory is in not existing in the universe where things went “right”. It means that though we have to live with the consequences of our decisions, some other version made a better decision, and for whatever reason, you don’t get to be them. How horrible to see what could have been, and what for you can never be.
Meeting someone you could have become if did better must be awfull, but until then this entire theory is just a very scientific way to wish for that “things would have been different”.
I think you both identify correctly the psychology that might be at play here. Swifty, really, is grasping at straws to define his hate for Avalon. It’s different than what he knows, that’s all he’s really saying. But is anything really all that bad? Everyone seems to be better off.
The question is: why?
You’d think Swifty would appreciate a world without Jerry…
But is it a world with Jerry? We’ve seen very little of it so far.
Well, it’s official, despite it dangers of Thrice Evil, this alternate world just seems too good to be true.
I mean the whole cast seems better than before in this alternate world and it’s driving Swifty nuts over the fact.
If it seems too good to be true, it probably is! It may just be basic human skepticism on my part, but I’m getting a little suspicious about avalon and all their “goodness”.
It is a cynical viewpoint that looks for the ill in the good. Sometimes, that’s wisdom. Sometimes, it’s just plain wrong.
It’s got to be one or the other though, right?
Oh yes. One or the other. Binary really. Nothing is -ever- more complicated than that.
Well, USA has their stars, Soviet Union had theirs, so why wouldn’t Sam have the star that shines the brightest?
(Also like some have pointed out, this avalon is quite suspicious!)
Another cynic!
But no matter what universe you travel to, Gene will always be Gene.
Which is an application of the old rule “boys will be boys”.
I hate that adage. On another note: it does in fact entirely apply to Gene.
Yes, it is not a good adage, but it just fit here. ^^
Sam and Star?! Alrighty then! Wonder if she’s loopy in this world too or if she’s even an alien…
I can confirm she’s still an alien.
Ah, what the heck: she’s not loopy.
That’s awesome! What’s Comixology? …Sorry, I don’t get around the net much these days.
Hey, Brock, Marc! Just wanted to let you know that the new dimension thing has really brought me back into the comic in big ways. Of course, I never wanted to stop reading in the first place. Mostly I just don’t have the net anymore so I do major catch up whenever I get around to a computer connected to it. Keep up the great work! I’m often on the verge of giving up, so you guys and those like you are heroes to me. Comics are hard work and not always as rewarding as we’d like.
Hey, Will! The blog explains everything you need to know about Comixology.
Good to hear from you again! Always is. I think you’re the first person to say they’re digging the alt. universe storyline (though the page visits seem to be a little up since it launched). Hope you enjoy what’s coming. Big stuff ahead.
Well, if it really hasn’t been said before Will did, I’ll second the sentiment! I’m digging it!
Oh, I just looked through the related comics links… do we get to learn about Avalon Jerry soon? Is there a Jetpack Tom in this universe? Does he get to live happily with Miss Missile?
Also, I need a chart now to keep all the characters and their alternates straight.
The question of Jerry on Earth-Avalon will be answered soon, yes. Very soon. As for Tom… that one may take a little longer.
A chart to keep it all straight is not a horrible idea. One of the goals of this chapter is to explicitly delineate between the two universes and define their relationship to each other. Once that’s done, a chart could easily be made.
But who will make it?
I made it 35 minutes ago.
That’s either a Watchmen reference or you have something to share.
Well, I’m working on finishing my thesis this semester, so it depends on how much avoidance behavior I exhibit over the next couple of months. I’d say I have a good chance of making it.