Hey everybody, we’re back! I don’t know about you, but I had an absolutely amazing Christmas and New Year’s. There was just something about the season this time around. We got into the spirit of things, reached out to others, sang songs, etc. It was like the last 5 minutes of It’s A Wonderful Life over here. I like to appreciate times like that. They don’t come around that often.
And of course that’s completely contrary to the spirit of what’s going on in today’s strip, which picks up right where we left off before the break. Take a look back at the life of the fallen Tom with his origin, right here. Or, see when he met his fiancee Ms. Missile, right here. Always remember, never forget.
Only four strips left in this chapter. I promise you’re not prepared for how it ends. Don’t even try to guess because you never well.
On a side note, I may have stumbled into a viral sensation. In the past year I have found that there is one order McDonald’s can ever get right. Now, the problem has turned into a movement. Into… McNugget Quest. Join up, try the challenge for yourself and follow all the action right here. And yes, this is real.
Not an entirely dignified death face.
Tom deserved better.
Even Dark Maiden’s looking bummed out.
That’s when you know it hurts.
Yay! New comic
Also: I can’t really shake the feeling that Percy will snap very, very soon, and that might not be healthy for Tangerine….
Not saying it’s going to happen… but yeah, I wouldn’t want to be Tangerine with Percy standing right there.
Don’t guess the ending? Challenge acccepted! CS snapps and someone goes down!
Do I answer these guesses? I probably should not. But if people want to go on record, I will recognize anyone who happens to guess correctly in my notes on the final strip of this chapter.
(Not gonna happen.)
You did it…you actually kill off Tom.
Wow, one must wonder how Tangerine feels about this given his newly vow of non-violence.
You’ll find out on Wednesday.
Spoiler alert: Tangerine feels bad.
You ruined it!
Poor Ms. Missile, Tom is dead again. You only live twice after all.
And I do think that one day she will find out and it will be a plot point. Major or minor, who knows, but plot point anyway. Maybe in this chapter or in the next one.
Ms. Missile will show up in the next chapter.
And that’s officially the first comment about the next chapter I’ve ever made. I have to keep that kind of information pretty close to the vest. Almost anything I say about will constitute a spoiler for the end of the current chapter.
I clicked that Origins chapter When Tom met Ms. Missile and it just hit me. Was that comic the first time Marc drew the fogeys or was there even earlier comic that just in the books? (Being student in Europe has prevented me from buying Superfogey stuff but it might chance this summer, hopefully at least!)
It’s either that one or this one: http://superfogeys.com/2010/01/04/guest-strip-by-marc-lapierre-of-spooky-doofus/ I’m honestly not sure which, but maybe Marc can chime in. Either way, boy, has he grown as an artist.
Yup, SFO came first for me. I actually got a little emotional when I read the script for 559 since Tom was my first official Fogey to draw. Hard to believe it’s been over 4 years since that story.
Wow, guys. Grim first panel. The view of Tom’s face is disturbing. Fascinating panel, too. *All” of our villains are off camera, save Dark Maiden. Where in the scenes *immediately* previous, they were all three shown so close to everyone else that at least ONE should’ve still been visible. Like Zurida…
Yeah, Marc really surprised me with just how gruesome he drew the look on Tom’s face. I think it’s entirely appropriate for the story, but it’s not the sort of image we’re used to seeing here.
Is there a healer in the house, or available for house calls.
Sadly, The Healer is dead.
Actually, that’s not very sad at all. He was kind of a prick.
Those last two panels are heart wrenching. And I was already bummed out over Tom.
Agreed. Marc and I went back and forth on those two panels a little in order to capture the right nuance. In the end, I think he nailed it. Your reaction seems to bear that out.
wait, what? Zurida’s goon fires the beam weapon, it ricochets around wildly (Tangerine’s arm being it’s first bounce of many) … and somehow, this is Tamgerine’s fault?!
Well, one way of looking at this incident is exactly as you say–a trigger was pulled and Tangerine was not the one who pulled it. Another way of looking at is that if Tangerine hadn’t betrayed his vow and tried to take action against Zurida in the first place, then none of this would have happened.
Either way, this is a sticky situation.
As pointed out, you know some of us can’t help ourselves, especially when you say, “Don’t try and guess.” So it’s CRAZY SPECULATION TIME! Poor Michelle Masters, turned into a statue and missing so much of her son’s life only to be restored and have him killed in front of her. Enough to make one snap and kill either whomever she held responsible? I’d say so. Also, from CS perspective, he already suffered the trauma of thinking his son died once only for the joyous revelation he was alive, then watched him die with his own eyes. CS might not be a killer, but it might trigger a rampage. The obvious bets that Percy goes berserk or Zurida kills all those responsible. Dark horse bets, Zurida or Percy kills one or both of Tangerine’s sons in retaliation. Slim to no chance, Dr Rocket kills either Tangerine or Sokol, possibly to hedge his bets in case anyone finds out he tried to kill Tom himself. It makes a kind of twisted villain sense to think, “Well, I tried to kill him myself and failed, so just in case anyone finds out I’ll take out the guy who actually did it for because that should sort of make up for it.” Swifty shows up and takes out Tangerine or Sokol. On that note, new guess on the alternate dimensional evil, Evil Parallel Universe Swifty (although I’m personally still hoping for Zombie Orson Welles). He grew increasingly bitter and resentful over the years. Maybe the five-fingered Swifty gave in to the Dark Side and turned evil. And my final “no chance Brock would actually do that” guess is, overcome with guilt, Tangerine takes his own life.
Okay, this may have been the wrong response, but I laughed out loud at Tangerine taking his own life.
These are all interesting guesses. There really are so many ways this can go–but you seem dead set on more death. We shall see. Last strip of this chapter lands on, oddly enough, my birthday–Monday, Jan. 20.
Guesses? Look, this is easy: It’s been obvious since the story got rolling that the true mastermind behind all the evil (the aliens, Jerry, etc.) in this comic is The Space Pig. This will be revealed in the final panel of this chapter, with a maniacal oink.
On an unrelated topic, “Maniacal Oink” would be a good band name.
I cannot argue with the majesty of that band name.
And… Space Pig. Nailed it.