Hey everybody, we’re back! I don’t know about you, but I had an absolutely amazing Christmas and New Year’s. There was just something about the season this time around. We got into the spirit of things, reached out to others, sang songs, etc. It was like the last 5 minutes of It’s A Wonderful Life over here. I like to appreciate times like that. They don’t come around that often.
And of course that’s completely contrary to the spirit of what’s going on in today’s strip, which picks up right where we left off before the break. Take a look back at the life of the fallen Tom with his origin, right here. Or, see when he met his fiancee Ms. Missile, right here. Always remember, never forget.
Only four strips left in this chapter. I promise you’re not prepared for how it ends. Don’t even try to guess because you never well.
On a side note, I may have stumbled into a viral sensation. In the past year I have found that there is one order McDonald’s can ever get right. Now, the problem has turned into a movement. Into… McNugget Quest. Join up, try the challenge for yourself and follow all the action right here. And yes, this is real.