Have ever been in trouble–and I mean big time–and you thought there was still a way out of it? I mean, there’s caught and then there’s caught. If your sin is big enough, you might deny, deny, deny–even to the point of convincing yourself. You’ve done nothing wrong. They must just be mistaken. Maybe you even convinced yourself along the way that you were behaving correctly all along. Maybe the last time you thought about the wrongness was when you first started and that voice in the back of your head whispered, “Don’t do this.” But you did it anyway and, over time, that voice got quieter and quieter and quieter until you didn’t hear it anymore and you thought, y’know, maybe you just imagined that voice. Maybe it was never really there in the first place. And if it was never really there, then you never did anything wrong.
Until you get caught. Then, suddenly, you see again how it looks from the outside and you find yourself defending against the thing you’re pretty darn sure was never wrong. It couldn’t be wrong. It’s impossible. They must be wrong. The problem is theirs. How dare they accuse me.
Is this where Jerry is at right now? Maybe, maybe not. All I know is that today’s strip isn’t just funny. It’s kind of sad, too.
Double-sized SuperFogeys on Wednesday! Jerry vs. Spy Gal. It’s a war of words, and you’ve got front row seats.
I haven’t been reading others’ comments lately, so I’m certain others have thought it if not said it—Soviet Sam must be pretty mad at Jerry. Sam’s wanted to be a good guy for so long, but a lot of people saw him as a bad guy. And then Jerry’s acted like a good guy for so long, but he’s actually pretty bad. Not fair, Sam. Not fair at all. All the more reason to give Sam that spinoff you’ve promised everyone, Brock. Remember?
You know what? I do not. Sam spinoff? That could be exciting. Lots of tense sitting.
Also, remember that when Sam was trying to get over his despair, it was Jerry pushing him down. See Jerry’s origin: “You killed Money Man. I don’t care how long it’s been; you killed him in cold blood. You can be friendly all you want, but it still won’t matter. Not after what you’ve done. NOW GET OUT!”
This is the same guy as Dr. Klein, who brought Soviet Sam to Valhalla with the pretense that villain and hero could live together.
You bring up an important moment, billydaking. At the time that page came out, I remember people not understanding why Jerry was so cruel to Sam, but that was before the big reveal. There’s certainly a bit of hypocrisy in the way Jerry treats Sam, but I think that speaks to an underlying psychology. Jerry tends to project.
I’ve the same problem baucese i am writing in a crossover.I am going to say 3 suggestions, maybe they will subsidy you maybe not;1) try to review other common work and write positive things, you can also place a link to your fanfic when you review2) you can somehow convince the writer to read, by writing an attractive summery and writing your personal feelings of the tale at the beginning of every chapter3)Try shortening the chapters and start life a cliff holderI wish people review my work 2 T_T, excellent luck, try copy pasting your fanfic on ur website, face book, my space, sites you are joined in, your friends
Gee Jerry, You think ?
This could either be a good show or a bad one if Jerry denies it all.
Still, it’s going to be good to watch.
Now Jerry seems too calm. He’s got a trick up his sleeve.
Can’t wait until Wednesday!
Me neither.
And it’s good to hear from you, John! Illustrator of Jerry’s origin, everybody.
147. nizhao2046 2009/12/24 12:12 在新加坡IT show刚买的 联想 本本,不知道有退税 损失一笔;体验windows7设为英文导致中文成了乱码(首次设置后无法再更改);还原软件撑爆了我的D盘 至今还只有1.36M空间;office2007只能使用三个月。。。。;最重要的还是软件不兼容问题 ,可怜的Nokia手机软件不能更新。。。联想自带的人脸识别软件不认我!俺不是黑人,本本也不是HP。。。杯具 一键还到原始社会。。。本本脸黑了。。。找发票。。。连个电话也没。。。最后花了N 多Singapore $——$
Who made the power nullifiers? Who probably knows the most about them? Who often gives authority to have them put on “tenants”?
I’m sure if anyone knows a way to defeat the nullifiers, its Jerry.