Some strips don’t need words. This is one of them.
Are you excited for next week? I sure am. Our schedule will be as follows:
Monday - SF 700!
Tuesday - Special DOUBLE-SIZED Bonus Strip! See how Cap got his new suit! Art by Marc, Words and colors by Brock!
Wednesday - Special TRIPLE-SIZED Bonus Strip! A special 10th Anniversary, in-continuity story that sees Brock return to the art desk for the full words and pictures treatment!
Thursday - ?
Friday - ?
I’m still hoping we see some submissions for guest strips or fan art for the last two days. If you got ‘em, send them along to bwhheasley (at) gmail (dot) com! Let’s celebrate together!
I just wanted to leave a special shout-out to all of you who take the time to comment below the strips. The rewards are few for doing a little under-the-radar comic like this one and every single comment we get means so much. While I miss the days when we would get so very many, I want you all to know how much Marc and I enjoy hearing from you and how much your comments spur us forward.
See you on Monday with 700 – “Happy Tenth Anniversary, SuperFogeys!”
Dang, he got punched -along- the ground!
Every chance I get I script in flying debris. Marc always renders it so well!
Still here, still reading, still supporting and enjoying the comic! Good to see you boys back at it!
We appreciate you so much, Sabrina. Especially as one of our Patrons!
Now that’s the Captain that they can know and remember.
Indeed. Would you believe this is one of the first times we’ve really seen him cut loose in the present continuity? That’s a long boil!
What’s happening off camera? What’s happening off camera??
Everything wonderful. On Thrice’s face.
Ohh, so ready for Monday. Two more days…
Great to have you guys back and love the idea of extra content next week.
Thanks, trane! We’re really excited to bring it to you!
Remember when they all got along?
Yeah, me neither.
Yeah… that would be boring, right?
Oh hey, I never even noticed before that you had a comments section!
Well… good to have you here!
I’m going to try and get you some fan art, but it might not be “Spectacular” enough…
No worries! All skill levels are welcome!