Welcome back! We just took a short, one week break, but it felt a lot longer for some reason. This one’s on me as I had to leave town for work and it threw off our whole schedule. Good to be back now. As I type this, my daughter Cami is going nuts while Elsa sings Let It Go. Yes, Frozen has infected our house, too.
Today, we finally catch up with Tangerine one year later. I’m looking forward to seeing what you guys make of this silent strip. Marc did an awesome job as usual setting the mood and giving a tweak to the look of a longtime character. I love the white streaks in Tangerine’s beard.
See you on Wednesday!
Oh, those are streaks in his beard? I thought those were runnels of overflowing beer.
I suppose that’s the advantage of knowing what the next strip looks like. You get a better look at the beard in that one.
Sometimes actions speak louder than words and this strip says a lot about where Tangerine is after the invasion.
Let hope that Sam can pull him out of this funk or at least comfort him through it as a friend.
Not to be nitpicky, but in the third panel Tangerine takes the beer with his left hand, which is supposed to be robotic, not flesh (as seen in the next panels)
Wow, I don’t know how we missed that. Thanks for catching it!
Fixed. If you’re not seeing it, refresh the page.
Yep, I see it now! Glad to help!
Mmmmmmm… Guper Brau
This is an example of one of the things I love most about Superfogeys. Great atmosphere and character
Thanks, Kayjay!
Beard grew out, some grey in it as well, yeah, he’s aged. Not to mention the hair is no longer ‘sharp’ and maintained, but has lost all its strength. Interesting to see just how much you can do with hair alone to show a change in a person.
The loss of the wife beater shirt also makes it look like he just doesn’t care anymore, not even about any kind of image he once had.
Nice work on showing how the past year has aged him. Sure, its only a year, but he has a lot of baggage to make that year last longer than the year many of the other members of the cast had to deal with.
You’re too right. I don’t know about Marc, but I had fun thinking about how Tangerine’s look might be different this time around. We slowly but surely changed his look quite a bit before the time jump, and that meant one thing. This means something entirely different and you nailed it.
Looks like ol’ Tangerine is taking the same road that our beloved Captain once took. And he’s got a buddy along for the ride. Let’s hope that someone can get them out of it before it’s too late.
What if it’s already too late?
Then I will be much sad. We’ve already watched one hero throw away his life and love by acting this way.I’d hate to see someone like Tangerine, who had actually started to make himself a better person, loose all that and slip down that same slope. It may be even more tragic from Tangerine because of all the changes he had made in himself.
Beer don’t judge him, and neither does Sam.
Good memory!
Nice, I had forgotten about that line. Although, in this case, I think Sam is there because he relates. He’s actually been there. No one else in the Society has.
Late in the night, when the demons come, what do they say to you?
Ba-ba-ba-ba-barbara ann.
It’s seems that Sam has taken on a bit of a caregiver role, backing up Spy Gal in the field, being her 2nd in command (maybe), and now checking in on Tangerine. I think this is a good role for him.
Question, is it me, or does it seem like our characters in California think the Captain is dead or otherwise gone? I mean there hasn’t been mention of him (by them, we know where he is) since the time jump and Percy’s outfit says Captain Spectacular not Captain Spectacular TWO like gorgeous guy was.
And I just want to say it’s good to take vacations, but I’m glad your back. Last week I did grasp quite how much I really enjoy this strip until I went: Yeah Monday! Superfogeys…awww, Yeah Wednesday! Superfogeys!… awww
And I knew the strip was taking a break, it was just such an ingrained habit to visit.
This makes my heart glad.
All I’ll say about Cap is that I’ve intentionally not visited any conversations people in California might be having about him. The next chapter will deal with this issue.