UPDATE: The comments below reminded me that I really should have included a link to what Captain Spectacular is referring to in the last panel. Start here and just continue through the black and white strips if you’re curious!
I should probably update this post later today with Marc’s inks from this this strip. Marc has always been a strong artist and storyteller, but the lately his inks have been particularly adept. The shadow work in panel 1 is especially extraordinary.
Cap and Dark (Star) Maiden have a long and complicated history, which gives a bit more weight to the conversation here than might appear at first blush. I don’t want to talk too much about what Dark Maiden is up to as I feel like that’s better discussed below, but suffice it to say that I’m really anxious to explore Dark Maiden a lot more in this One Year Later timeline.
Are you a fan of The SuperFogeys on Facebook? You should be. Last week I previewed three interior pages from the upcoming Comixology/Eventual Hardcover of SF and you only saw it if you’ve liked this page. So do it! Youths and hooligans will respect you more.
Ah, so there is a small part of Star Maiden that feels bad over her role in this and the Captain is calling her out on it, am I right ?
Also, is the last quote based on the Captain’s cursed love life ?
Short answer on the quote: It’s complicated.
Long Answer: The captain himself is exaggerating, though the statement is true. Dr. Rocket and Captain Spectacular were originally israelites (some assumptions here) from the ancient middle east who were kidnapped by aliens and experimented upon while traveling on a slower than light interstellar spaceship.
While the subjective time that passed was closer only to a decade, as the captain said, they were imprisoned and tortured for 25 centuries.
ONLY a decade of imprisonment and torture…
Yes, they were jews from the time the babylonian king Nabuconodosor II invaded Judea and Israel, they tell us their origins in “Funeral for a Frenemy”.
If we are talking about the theory of relativism, shouldn’t it be a faster-than-light ship?
If it was a faster than light ship the relativistic distortion between objective time passed and subjective time passed would be less. Relativity works on the assumption that nothing can go faster than light, causing all sorts of interesting phenomena when things approach -close- to the speed of light.
Marcus, hopefully everyone’s comments here have proved enlightening. I also updated my post with a link to the pertinent flashback.
Thanks, everyone!
Precisely what I had said.
Of all of them, Rocket should know CS will be able to take anything he’s currently dishing out. In fact, I suspect that Rocket is counting on it. He’s got something verrry sneaky planned and it involves getting totally embedded with the bad guys before he pulls the old Switcheroo.
I really hope this is true! I’m not certain at all, but I do hope
Doc’s motivations are always a bit complicated, you’re certainly right to wonder. We do know that he’s often compelled to action by love–for Ms. Missile, for Cap’s first wife, for… Zurida?
Don’t mention Doc Rock and Zurida making out and “the bed you made” in the same sentence. Mental image! Mental image!
That has to be intentional.
It… was not. Believe it or not, it wasn’t. Pretty funny though.
I have to admit, I haven’t really been enjoying Superfogeys as much after the “1 Year Later” happened. Hope that changes, but I suspect I’m just more a fan of comedy and the unchanging status quo (however that is spelled).
I appreciate the honest feedback, Will. It was a huge risk to take and I knew going in not everyone would be on board. Hopefully, we can win you back. This chapter has to do what every chapter right after a big change has to do and that’s reset the board a bit. As the story ramps up in the next chapter, maybe you’ll feel differently.
But as for the status quo? I hate the status quo and love change, so I guess we’re a bit different there. Maybe you’ll like the next change better.
It depends on the change that’s being referred to, I guess. Some change is exciting to me and good, other changes not so much.
I think the change I am referring to is what feels like a gradual change from lighthearted humor to serious action and drama. In other words, it seems the genre of SF has slowly changed. I did something like that in the original run of my SuperMilo comic (the offline, ugly rough version; the webcomic is a reworked, rewritten reboot). After several years of comedy I switched to a serious action packed, dramatic story-line. It was meant to be the story finale. Unfortunately my friends (my only readers) told me they didn’t enjoy it after that. I spent a few years doing other action genre comics and webcomics until returning to comedy and SuperMilo. Anyway, so I know how it is. And, well, I guess I know how they felt a little now too. But that won’t stop me from taking the characters where I think the story is taking them, and neither should you, Brock.
So, don’t worry. I’m a very loyal fan.
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