Hel, the opposite of Valhalla. You first went inside it here. And then you saw the outside. And, of course, Gene worked there. Now, it’s a day spa. Makes sense, right?
A lot’s changed in a year. Zurida’s in charge of (most of) The United States. Soviet Sam wears an eye patch. Spy Gal got a haircut. We’re just scratching the surface here, folks. The changes go a lot deeper. Some of these changes will be revealed by way of fleeting mentions and then you’ll see more on it later, and some changes won’t be revealed until they’re staring you right in the face. That’s part of the fun. Can you piece together what happened during the missing year?
Not that you have to. My goal is to make it all the sleuthing an extra. All you really need to read SuperFogeys and enjoy it is a love for flawed characters and crazy superhero stuff. We’re all down for that, right?
GIANT kudos to Marc. He’s meeting the challenge of One Year Later in a way that’s taking his art, once again, to a whole new level. Rebuilding a new world requires a fair bit of extra work, and I’m so grateful he’s gladly meeting the challenge. If you’re a fan of The SuperFogeys on Facebook then you’ve probably already seen Marc’s first sketches of the new Soviet Sam and Spy Gal. If you’re not a fan of SuperFogeys on Facebook, well, that just seems wrong. Fix it!
Well I didn’t see this coming. Former enemies working together now.
Something tells me that Star Maiden is now beyond Zurida’s control and needs to be taken down hard. Forcing Zurida to recruit Spy Girl into her plans. Am I right ?
What former enemies are working together? Have I missed something?
I’m afraid I’m not sure. Suckface is a villain. He works for Zurida. She’s a villain, too.
What I meant was that I felt that Zurida has lost control of Star Maiden in the months past and now has to be taken down.
Zurida is using Suckface to recruit Spy Girl into aiding Zurida’s plans of Stopping Star Maiden.
I do apologize If I have confused you before, but I do hope that I’m making some sense this time around.
I gotcha now. It’s an out there theory, which may just mean it has some weight. Right now, everything is up for grabs and that’s the beauty of One Year Later.
So bullets don’t effect him and he’s pretty strong. Do we finally get to see Sam put the smack down on someone?
Bullets CAN affect him, but not if he sucks it into his black hole mouth.
Back to Sam next week. I think you’ll be pleased.
Being able to inhale a bullet and not be hurt by it is close enough to not being affected.
I’m enjoying Suckface as a new addition to the strip, you and Marc have managed to cram a good bit of personality into him so far through both art and dialogue. I particularly enjoy the crazy pigeon eyes in the first panel. Also I’m liking Spy Gal’s new hair.. Dare I hope that somewhere in the missing year, if Zurida is recruiting allies, that Thrice Evil finally got his brain unscrambled? I always figured his return to his bad old self would be related to a major plot point and now seems like the time would be perfect.
Suckface is fun to write, I admit. I mostly wanted to use him because Alex Deligiannis developed such a strong visual for his look, but grafting a personality onto that look has been an exercise in fun.
Marc and I debated Spy Gal’s new hair a bit. I designed it, but then I second guessed it and thought it might be too radical a change. Marc talked me down off the ledge and made me see the wisdom in keeping it.
You WILL see Thrice this chapter.
I guess he can check “old lady tossing” off of his Villainous Bastard ‘To-Do’ checklist!
Is there a crime more terrible?
Puppy-tossing, but that was already done by that stupid blonde girl in Bosnia.
Zuridia is control of “Most of the United States”…. so I’m assuming she’s ignoring Alaska? Honestly, I’d ignore Alaska. Wouldn’t be worth the effort. It’d only need one super-villain and either he’d spend most of his time suppressing himself or just being bored & drunk.
Geographically, Alaska is a tough one. I think it depends on whether or not she’s taken Canada as well.
I think the shark has been jumped…
I don’t know of any connotation in which shark jumping is good, but I’m okay with this response. I wanted to do something risky, so I suppose that’s a mission accomplished. Hope you stick around to see how it shakes out, Jimmy!
Brock, I would never give up on a good thing so easily! Perhaps it is just too early to tell yet. I still love the strip of course…silly!