UPDATE 2: Fixed! Thanks, Marc! And thanks to Andrew for pointing it out.
UPDATE: Due to a glitch, a future strip showed up here for a few hours. Unfortunately, the glitch also erased the actual strip. So, I’ve had to resort to the thumbnail you see above. It’s kind of small, but at least this is a silent strip, right? As soon as I can get ahold of Marc and get his copy of the strip, I’ll upload and replace promptly. Thanks for your patience.
Um… Merry Christmas, everybody?
You should know that I do not look at the calendar when I plan out a chapter. I had absolutely no idea we’d be ending 2013 with this dark, dark strip and that it would be the last before the break. Great cliffhanger though, right?
See you on Wednesday with a special Christmas extra! To those of you who aren’t so into Christmas, I promise it will be fun anyway. Also, Guest Strippin’ Xmas schedule on Wednesday.