537 – The Guthrie

Discussion (25) ¬

  1. Drew

    well i can’t say i was around for the birth of super fogeys BUT i was directed your way via imagine this and have been HOOKED for years EVER since!!!! I love the work…6 years down and a TON MORE to go!!!!

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      I don’t know about a TON… this story does have an end point after all… but there is big stuff still to come and I honestly don’t know how long it will take to tell it all. We’ll find out together! Thanks for the enthusiasm, Drew.

      • Silly Zealot
        Silly Zealot

        Great to know another of another “Imagine This!” fan!
        And yes, there WILL be a ton more strips, Brock is just trying to say that the end point of this strip is when he passes away at the age of…… no wait, that’d be spoiling to much!

  2. Si Civa
    Si Civa

    It looks like charging couple of cell phones’ batteries to me. The only evil looking part to my eyes is behind the right ‘collum’, evil eyes in the shadows.

    But it’s major news, eep.

    • Si Civa
      Si Civa

      Oh, I’ve been reading since I saw this in the DrunkDuck Webcomics site. So I’m quite early fan I think!

      • Brock Heasley
        Brock Heasley

        Very early indeed!

  3. Marcus

    Congrats on the anniversary. I came through the website.

    Also, it seems like this could be one difficult battle force to beat with a weapon like that. :(

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      If it gets turned on, there will be no battle. It’s instant death for anyone it’s aimed against. Pretty scary stuff.

      • Silly Zealot
        Silly Zealot

        Ah! Phew, I thought they were going to “uncreate” all earthlings and derivates from this world and the next, as if they had never being born (except they would still be remembered by those who remained alive, but that doesn’t help you much when no longer even exist).

        Turns out it was only going to kill them! He he, what a relief!

  4. gnrrrg

    Just make sure that medallion and no medallion get placed in the right chambers.

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley


  5. Bender_Sastre

    That’s a rather sizable toy.

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      Marc made it BIG.

      • Silly Zealot
        Silly Zealot

        With a matching self-destruct button, I assume!

  6. Chris Blanchard

    Did anyone else look at that and think “Deep Thought?”

    I love it!

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      GREAT reference. Here’s the thing though… I did point Marc towards a sci-fi classic something-something for inspiration. I think it’s pretty obvious if you know the reference, but you have to reach pretty far back to find it.

      • Chris Blanchard

        I don’t know why, but for some reason it reminded me of the Great Machine from Forbidden Planet (as well as Deep Thought), but I don’t think that’s what you’re referencing.

        • Brock Heasley
          Brock Heasley

          Nope, but that’s a good one. Believe it or not, it goes back even further than that. Think “silent era.”

          • Andrew

            I’m not sure why, but now I keep thinking “Metropolis” – been a few years since I watched it – for some reason after you said silent era. Regardless of his inspiration, Marc did a fantastic job on it.

    • WGC


      • Brock Heasley
        Brock Heasley

        Nicely done.

        • WGC

          I saw it in the early 70′s in the Pantages Theater in LA. It was a beautiful print and I think it was full length. Imagine how saddened i was when AMC ran a “fully restored” print a few years ago and it seemed to be 30% still photos replacing the parts that were lost! Amazing that they are still losing negatives when there was a clean print just 35 years earlier!

  7. Spike Matthews

    Is it me, or there a certain similarity to the doughnut robot in Las Vegas?
    Either way, it’s an awesome piece of art.
    What’s going on with Zurida’s hair?

    Brock, you have a knack for dialogue that shines even in the few lines here.

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      I hadn’t noticed the similarity to Donutron, but I can kind of see it now. I love spotting themes in artists’ work. Marc certainly has a style all his own.

      • Brock Heasley
        Brock Heasley

        Oh, and Zurida’s hair is always like that. She has full control of its movement.

        Thanks for the kudos on the dialogue, Spike. You’re right, this is an odd one to call it out on, but I appreciate your comment all the more for it.

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