535 – A Superhero, His Sons, His Ex and His Evil Best Friend are Locked Up in a Palace…
on September 16th, 2013Feels like forever since we’ve check in on Cap and company. When last we left them, they had a heckuva surprise visitor who had some ominous news before taking off. Now, they’re locked up in Zurida’s Palace–somewhat by choice, somewhat not. Cap made a devil’s bargain to get Michelle back… so now what?
I really dig what Marc did with the acting in this one. Michelle–even though she’s a normal person–looks like a lot of fun to draw.
Man, this has the makings of a sitcom written all over it.
Anyone wanna illustrate a side story to this chapter, featuring Cap, Doc, Michelle, Tom and Percy making mischief and learning valuable lessons in the Palace while their stuffy, humorless queen, Zurida, tries to keep them in line?
The classic will-work-with-enemy-but-still-make-snarky-comments.
I love that Tom and Percy immediately took to each other… I was afraid they were going to be at each others throats! But now I’m worried something’s going to happen to one of them O_O
Percy and Tom? Perish the thought!
Tom and Percy, if they weren’t a pair of emotionally stunted man-children they’d be adorable. All things considered Michelle seems to be adjusting pretty well. Not screaming about lost time and how her son is biologically older – at least he looks it – than her. You said I’d never guess how this chapter end, so some new crazy speculation. Michelle ends up with the means & opportunity to take out Zurida and does, Percy tries to retaliate and Tom sacrifices himself to save her, causing Percy to go insane. I’m also curious about the Guthrie, my understanding is that it will wipe out all higher life native to Earth. Does this just apply to just humans or are the Carpathian Bug People in trouble as well? Just curious since Miss Missile is one and we’ve seen the “Psycho Dad” lengths Dr Rocket is willing to go to just to stop his daughter from dating a guy he doesn’t think is good enough for her. I imagine anyone who posed an actual threat to her would meet a phenomenally unpleasant end courtesy of Dr Rocket. On that note, that’s a Fogeys’ flashback I’d like to see, Dr Rocket at Parent/Teacher Night at Ms Missile’s school. Or maybe taking her trick or treating. Dr Rocket: “What, you’re giving out apples? Oh, it’s healthier? Well my friend Mr Death Ray says you’d better find some candy fast.”
Yeah, I wanta see those flashbacks!
Love the speculation as always.
To answer your question… yes, every single lifeform with Earth origins will die if the Guthrie is turned on, including Ms. Missile.
Straight answers! Once in a while, I just give them.
Okay, so, I don’t leave very many comments these days but I just had to say I tatlloy agree with this mother’s comments! My daughter was exactly the same way when she was twelve and had a similar experience and since then has become a READER!!! That makes me so happy I can’t even articulate it very well.Just so you know…Kenna actually beat me this summer and read 10 BOOKS. Can you believe it! Wow! I have you to thank for writing such an amazing book and now she can hardly wait to read Natalie’s books too. THANKS SO MUCH!!! Just keep writing those books for us FANS!!!BTW, I can hardly wait for Mind Games to come out!