364 – Comrade

Discussion (24) ¬

  1. Dierna

    Yay!!! Sam to the rescue!!! :D

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      Big guy needed a moment, didn’t he?

  2. Scott

    Well, it looks like at least a few people will get a happy ending from all this mess. Then again Sam’s been kicked around so long that really things can’t get much worse for him — “failure” would mean status qua and anything remotely resembling success would be a better situation.

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      Jeez, that’s depressing. And accurate.

  3. AndyG

    I have a funny feeling about Sam and this fight. I could be VERY wrong (like I was about The Third Man and Jerry) but I am thinking he may get a chance to ultimately redeem himself for what he did to Money Man and while fitting, I’m not sure I totally like where that will lead…

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      The consensus seems to be that Sam does deserve some sort of redemption, but I’m curious as to what scares you about that.

  4. Si Civa
    Si Civa

    One theme in this whole arc has been to me that Sam is being more heroic than those who he thinks are real heroes. But that’s just me.

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      Even Spy Gal?

      • CartoonistWill

        The contrast I see is mostly Captain Spectacular who, sitting still playing the slots, calls himself the greatest hero who ever lived, while Sam has such low self-esteem and image but is acting more selflessly. The key, like he said, to being a hero is to get over one’s self.

  5. tmcelmurry

    Any chance to see Sam come alive and become the hero that he wishes he was and have a chance for some redemption for himself is awesome. I make it no secret I love the Soviet Sam character, so this is just fantastic. Awesome!

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      Glad you like, Todd! Lots of Soviet Sam fans out there and it’s fun to see so many rooting for him. Hmm…I better drop a house or something. It’s getting too cheery in here.

  6. Infamous Nefarious
    Infamous Nefarious

    Risking his neck for the last second save of innocent bystanders!

    Step 1: Get over yourself. PASS!

    Timely AND with textbook execution. Good job Sam!

    Brock…. If you kill Sam I will never forgive you.

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      I can live with that.

      • Infamous Nefarious
        Infamous Nefarious

        Well didn’t that just sound ominous? You’ll have a lot of people mad at ya…..

        • CartoonistWill

          What if he dies of old age? They’re all past their prime, y’know? lol

          • Infamous Nefarious
            Infamous Nefarious

            At this point I’m pretty sure they’re on borrowed time. :p

  7. Valareos

    After doing deep research in the Archives ive come to the startling conclusion…. Brock is sneaky… He is so sneaky.. I am now thinking the Time-displaced Mega Matt has been a regular reoccurring character in Superfogies… Yes… we have SEEN him, and yet not know him. Allow me to piece it together.

    First, we CAN NOT assume that the current Superfogies year is 2011. That is a full 56 years after the death of Money Man, which was 10 years after the start of Spygal Origin story, thus if Superfogies takes place in 2011, then Spygal would be 82 years old! (spygal was 16 in 1945, making her born in 1929) Instead, I am more incluned to believe current Superfogies year is closer to 1994, making her 65. I will call this “The SSY.. Spygirl Standard Year.”

    Knowing the year is very important in the search for Mega Matt, as it allows us to estimate his age. Looking back to when he first arrived in 1955, he appears to be within 5 years of Jerry, Jerry we know from HIS origin that he was still with his Aunt in 1952. Estimate about 15 then, making him 18 in 1955 (and for those counting, making him 57 in 1994, matching well with both Jerry and Dr Klein)

    Now, as we said, Mega Matt to me seems to be a young punk, no super powers.. id be willing to bet he is the youngest. For arguments sake, we will say he was 14 when sent back to 1955, Guess how old that makes him now? yup.. 53ish

    So now, you must be asking.. Who then, between 50-55, black hair, a squared off jaw,e ars sticking out… have we seen before? Ladies and Gentlemen.. I present you… Gene! Who is IN Vegas but has yet to make an appearance! Dont believe me? Check out the ONLY Example of Gene and Mega Matt near eachother

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      Wow, now that is a well-thought out theory. Nice job piecing together a bunch of different clues. You’ve made only one factual error that I can see… and it’s almost not fair on my part. You’re forgetting Chapters 3 and 4–the chapters where the Fogeys interact with technology that is very much post-1994. Social networking, motion control video gaming, etc.

      I’ll tell you straight out: it’s 2007. SF started in September 2006 and has not moved in real time since then. I estimate Spy Gal has been in Valhalla for about 6-8 months and that puts the story in the Spring of 2007. So there you go. Don’t know how much that screws with your theory, but I never intended the year to be a secret. There’s just never been an elegant way of telling it straight out.

    • CartoonistWill

      Nah, I don’t see it. Different personalities. Gene is an ignorant brute but Matt was a young, half Asian 80′s Geek. Trust me, I HAD been trying to figure out who Matt was. Since the Third Man was called the Third Man and Matt was the third brother, I considered that, but Brock blew that theory straight out of the water long ago with the Jerry revelation. I don’t think Matt = Gene. I’m not sure Matt is anywhere remotely in the present near the other characters. Matt loved superheroes but was rooting for those without powers, like Jerry (who secretly has powers). Gene has an unexplained animosity toward Captain Spectacular and has had somewhere in the past a friendship with dictator Tot (perhaps unimportant to bring up, but true). He also seems to be completely clueless, unless an act like Jerry’s. It doesn’t really make sense that Gene = Matt to me, is all. Matt was clueless in ways himself. I don’t think he’s capable of pretending to be clueless. Matt is too good hearted and uninhibited, even if annoying to his brothers (and Swifty). He doesn’t seem devious enough to be Gene. I think the Matt equation will be brought up again in the future, but who knows how or where or what consequences to the time stream will be done?

      • CartoonistWill

        My guess is: Matt continued carrying out the job of telling young Swifty about Jerry. What about him? He doesn’t know. Eventually I see Matt trying to assimilate himself in the 50′s. He’ll probably think about Back to the Future and at some point create an error in the time stream by trying to create the Ninja Turtles too early, but the general public isn’t ready for that and it gets tossed to the side. He wouldn’t rename himself Gene. He would probably be much more likely to legally rename himself something like “Luke Skywalker.” There is a large chance that he will try to seek out his own father for help or awesomeness (“Yo! I’m, like, Marty McFly!”) and end up creating some sort of error in the time stream, likely becoming his own grandpa or something. Okay, probably not that last part.

    • Valareos

      I will say then, spy gal is pretty spry for a 79 year old. NAd yes, I forgot about the computer side.. expecially the social networking (which i feel silly about. ANd it does low the theory a bit out of the water, as I can see gene as being 50, but not 66. Though for the rest of my theory.. still holds we need to look for a 66 year old black haired accident prone man :P

  8. Valareos

    Noo.. i did a nice long post with my theory on who Mega Matt is, and it got eaten! Wonder if it got swallowed as possible spam

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      You are correct, it did get labeled as spam. Thanks for the heads up. I can fix it so long as people let me know.

  9. CartoonistWill

    No, sure didn’t see this coming :-) Thanks, Brock! Yeah, I am mean, lol

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