Five Years of The SuperFogeys

Discussion (11) ¬

  1. Chip

    Congrats, Brock! I’ve loved every moment. This is an amazing series. Cannot wait to see what mayhem you unleash in the next 5 years.

  2. tmcelmurry

    Brock, you did an amazing job on continually developing your characters and your artistic abilities.

    Happy 5th Anniversary man, what a road it’s been. I’ve been reading SF for almost 4 years now and have had a chance early on to go back to the beginning and be there as each new page came up and to watch as Marc took over recently doing the art work. This has been an amazing journey for me as a reader. I’ve grown to love and care for each of the characters, even those that we find at times hating due to their actions. Each of your characters bring a special uniqueness to them, and the Origin stories have allowed us to emotionally attach ourselves to them. I’m glad to have found your webcomic all those years ago and look forward to what lies ahead down the road for the next 5 years.

  3. Tom Dell'Aringa

    Congrats, Brock!

  4. DadaHyena

    Congratulations! It’s always great to see how comics progress over the years, and this one has done marvelously.

  5. Spike Matthews

    Happy birthday!
    Wow – how far and how well has this road been travelled….

  6. Marj

    Oh, good. The party’s starting.

  7. Sam

    Congratulations Brock, your comic has come a long way and I love your art. I hope you continue to draw for fun because you are very talented.

  8. David S.

    Amazing to see the development of the characters from the first group shot. I’ve always loved & admired SF, ‘lets see another 5, yes? Congrats, cubicle-ant-mate.

  9. theasley

    Wowee. That is awesome. Congrats on reaching the five year mark! It’s amazing where life takes you, even in terms of artistic detail, such as the above. What’s neat is that the character development matured right along with the art, making each chapter more exciting in more ways than one.

  10. CartoonistWill

    SWEEET! Art’s looking good, Brock! :-) Especially love seeing that first group shot! Never saw it before. It’d look great with Cap’s more original costume too!

  11. Alex

    Awesome, man. As always, I love seeing the progress. Congrats on 5 years. Huge accomplishment with a great comic.

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