One of my all-time favorite strips. Visually, I think this just works.
I think I had just rewatched the movie Quiz Show shortly before writing this strip, so I had Geritol on the brain. Great movie.
The SuperFogeys need your help! Those of you that have registered and voted in the WCRA’s (hosted by, I thank you very much. In a couple of the five categories SF is nominated, it’s still in the top 3. Remember: it has to be in the top 3 to make it before the judges. Then they’ll decide the actual winner.
But in the other categories…SF is in the top 4 or 5, but not 3. Every vote really counts in a situation like this. Only one week left and then votiing is closed. Please head on over to the WCRA’s to cast your vote now!
Th3rd World Puts Space Doubles and Omega Chase on the Webcomic Schedule
Hey, a quick note to let you all know that Th3rd World has made both Space Doubles (throwback sci-fi horror short stories) and Omega Chase (Mack Baron knows who he is, but not when he’s supposed to be) a part of their webcomic roster.
New Omega Chase every Monday and Friday. New Space Doubles every Sunday. It’s good, good stuff.
Bio Pic Change Reminder
Just a quick note to remind you of the weekly EVENT that is my changing bio pic. Every week, usually on Monday, I change my picture in the “Bios” section (one of the tabs above the strip). This month, I’m keeping things to a theme.
Contest Time?
Been thinking about getting another contest going. Last contest I did was to create-a-character that I then brought into SF (Captain Emo, who will be making a return shortly). Before that, I did a SF trivia contest and gave away original sketches to the winners.
What do you all think? Any ideas for a contest you’d like to see? What about prizes? Original art? Sketches? Books? T-Shirt? What do you think?