Each year I schedule a one week break for myself around Christmastime. I never miss updates, so I figured I deserve at least a week away. Nice time to recharge. Last year, I just didn’t post anything during that week, but now it occurs to me that there might be an opportunity here.
So…I’m putting the call out. From now until December 22nd I am accepting submissions for guest strips. From the ones I recieve (if any), I’ll select the ones I feel would be most appropriate for posting during my off week. Those that do submit and are selected can also expect a spotlight to be thrown on them and their own comic, naturally.
Those that for whatever reason I don’t select will still be featured in the SF forum and I’ll be sure and call everyone’s attention to them when the time comes.
All guest strips should be no wider than 750 pixels. Please bear in mind that SF is a PG-rated strip. Let’s keep things above board, folks. Other than that, anything or any character is fair game.
You can send along your submission or any questions you might have to my email: heasley@th3rdworld.com Sound good? Thanks in advance!
So, as of this week I am back on my diet. Happy to report that this is not because I’ve gained the weight back that I lost over a year ago. No, I’ve just finally been able to work myself into a place where I feel like I can take another stab at it and possibly get those last few pounds off.
For the record, in May of 2007 I started my diet at 215 lbs. I’m 5’10″. I worked myself down to 190 lbs., which is still my current weight. Problem is, I went winter clothes shopping last week and that kind of thing will always put into perspective just exactly how “great” you look. Yeah, I look way better than I did at 215, but still…I want more off.
But, mostly, I just want to be healthy. My goal is to outlive everyone I know. That’s not gonna happen if I’m not eating right. Time to get crackin’.
Next Week:
Dr. Klein has few words to say about Dr. Rocket, but somebody else has a few words about Dr. Klein.