Week 2 of our return! If you haven’t spread the word already, please do. We take such long hiatuses that I know it takes a while for word to get out when we come back.
Some of you picked up what we were laying down last week. If you didn’t already figure it out, it should be pretty clear with today’s update: yes, the Thrice Evil we’ve been following from the start of this chapter is the alternate Thrice Evil from Earth-Avalon. As demonstrated previously, part of Thrice Evil’s powers is the ability to change the perception of those around them to make them see what he wants them to see. His biggest deception is the one he puts on everyone (including you, the reader!) in making himself appear imposing and strong, not frail and thin and old like he really is. It’s a pretty cool power, actually. I wouldn’t make taking a few inches off my waistline without the hassle of working for it!
We picked up a couple of new pledges last week! Thank you so much! Your support really makes a difference.
Just a reminder, we ‘re on Instagram now. Get your daily dose of SF right now by giving us a follow!
See you on Wednesday with 735 – The MSNBC-FOX News Coalition!
Way to go Brock, glad to have you back! One thing I do not understand yet is if Thrice’s powers comes from his trident or are his own. If I remember right, back at the Head Games chapter, when Doc Klein interviewed him he was able to look menacing. But there was a panel later on when Thrice was looking to his trident in awe at the Society’s museum. And also this sequence seems to point to the trident as a source of power.
Also, why is Zurida calling him “darling”? Wasn’t she all lovey-dovey with Doc Rocket?
You’re right–it hasn’t been made completely clear (so many characters, so little space…), but Thrice’s powers are NOT tied to his staff. His staff does emit a punishing energy, but it’s more of a weapon in that way. The other Thrice looking at the staff in awe is more of a remembrance of things past kind of thing. It’s a symbol, if nothing else, of what he once was.
The meeting with Dr. Klein you remember is from Chapter 9. It was brief and it was only once, but it was revealed in that meeting that Dr. Klein has a kind of device to keep Thrice in line and more or less mute. Should that device be destroyed or turned off, our Thrice Evil would resort to his old self.
As for Zurida… she’s attracted to power. Full stop. For a time, Dr. Rocket was the most powerful person in her sphere. And he flattered her. Now, it’s this other Thrice, so she’s stuck on him. At least, that’s how it looks right now…
Clicking on literally anything on your website opens a new tab to something called ‘rampagenetwork.net’. Please fix.
Thank you! Fixed!
Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.