WELCOME BACK! (First time here? Can’t remember what’s going on? Skip down to the recap.)
I know… I know… you thought this would never happen. You thought we’d forgotten all about SuperFogeys. You thought we were too busy to continue telling this story to completion. Well… not gonna lie, there were a few times over the past year when I wondered myself whether we’d return to tell the stories of Captain Spectacular, Spy Gal, Jerry, Swifty, Dr. Rocket, Soviet Sam, and the rest.
Financially and professionally speaking, these have been the roughest past couple years of my entire life. Not the kind of circumstances that lend themselves to continuing on a webcomic passion project I started 10 years ago (September 22nd, 2006 was day one–see below for more details on how we’re gonna celebrate that milestone). And though our support on Patreon means Marc’s supplies get paid for and I can justify to my wife the times I rush to the computer to letter and post the latest update, SF is by no means a way for either one of us to make a living. That’s why we appreciate our Patrons so very, very much. We literally could not continue doing this without you, much as we might want to. So… thank you.
(If you’d like to contribute–even a dollar a month helps!–or even if you’d just like to know more about how this Patreon thing works and what the perks are for supporting, please head on over to our SuperFogeys Patreon page. Okay, Patreon plug officially over.)
I think Marc and I are terrible at quitting things. That’s the real story here. We’re so very excited for this action-packed chapter. Seriously. Today’s strip is just a preview of the cool stuff coming. Marc is gonna get a chance to stretch his artistic muscles like never before. I can’t wait.
It’s been so long since our last update… I think a little recap is in order.
The SuperFogeys is the story of retired superheroes. One year ago, aliens invaded Earth, killed all the younger, mostly ineffectual superheroes, and took over most of the United States. The older superheroes have set up shop in New California and hope to evict the heroic Captain Spectacular’s ex-wife Zurida from the dystopian USZ, where she rules with Dr. Rocket, Captain Spectacular’s oldest friend and archest enemy.
New California, a new country broken off from the rest of the USZ, is defended by the military-minded Spy Gal and the newly formed Society of Heroes. Spy Gal is the wife of the sometimes villainous, sometimes heroic Jerry Klein. Assisting her are Soviet Sam, the super soldier pride of the Soviet Union, who has become a close confidant and Spy Gal’s chief defender; Tangerine, a former anti-hero and stone cold killer with a crisis of conscience; and Dark Maiden, the former ally of Zurida and the former Star Maiden, the greatest heroine of the galaxy. Also in the mix is the speedster, Swifty, who is currently stuck on an alternate Earth, Earth-Avalon.
It is from Earth-Avalon that the villainous Thrice Evil and his Lodge of Doom have come to our heroes’ Earth–Earth-Abaddon–believing that, unlike his world which is defended by a Society of Heroes who never retired, this is a place where he can win. And where he can rule.
Thrice Evil has fought long and hard to get to Earth-Abaddon using time travel, manipulation, and every evil trick in the book–including setting up his own mother to die for his cause. Now, he has finally arrived, at an Earth that has been compromised by evil already. Can he simply step in and take over? Or will our tired, formerly retired superheroes be able to put up enough of a fight?
We pick up just one moment after the end of Chapter 20, just as Thrice Evil has arrived to find Captain Spectacular and a few of the Society facing off against Zurida and her army for the lives of New California protesters who only want to go over to the USZ anyway for the peace they think they’ll find there. And for milk and cookies.
Straight up: SuperFogeys is kind of crazy y’all.
As you may or may not have noticed… the site got a little bit of a face lift this week. The heads that run at the top of the page are now drawn by Marc Lapierre (instead of me) and reflect better current storylines and looks. Look for them to rotate throughout the week! You never know which characters you’ll spot up there.
In less than two months it will be 10 years since The SuperFogeys first appeared (back then: on MySpace. For real.) on the internet. September 22nd is the big day, and it sure feels like that’s something that should be celebrated. I’m toying with going back and drawing a strip or two myself (you’ve probably all forgotten–but I drew the first 300 SuperFogeys strips as well as writing them), and I’d love to post some tribute artwork or strips or essays or fan fiction or whatever else strikes your fancy.
Got something you want to do? Send it over! Let’s celebrate!
So, every since getting a computer with a retina display, the low resolution of the SuperFogeys strips has bugged me. For a lot of you, you probably haven’t noticed it at all, but for me it was a constant thorn in my side. Well, I finally figured out how to post the strips in the sharpest of resolutions. Starting with today’s strip, if you have a retina display, you should notice a marked uptick in the quality of the image. All the better to see the increased polish Marc has been putting on his artwork lately.
That’s it for now… see you on Wednesday with SF 687–”Captain Spectacular v Thrice Evil: Dawn of Punching!”
FINALLY!!! It’s back! And with my birthday on the 31st… You keep giving me the best presents. It’s good to be able to read superfogeys again!
Thank you guys! Wheeeeee!
WOO HOOOOO!!! Finally! Welcome back, Brock and Marc! Blessings upon both your houses!
Good (and punchy) times are here again!