Well, it’s finally settled. After six long months SuperFogeys is finally on its way back. With the majority of Chapter 20′s strip in progress or already finished, Marc and I are confident is saying definitively that we will be back with Chapter 20, “Crossing Worlds,” for a three-times-a-week engagement (MWF) starting June 15th!
I’ve got to say that I’m really excited about this next chapter. While we’re not going back to Valhalla, this chapter feels a little closer to some of the earlier chapters, if only in the interaction between the characters. There’s a little more humor, a little more of the Fogeys sharing the “screen” as they start to come back together after being apart for so long. Plus, it follows up on all the revelations and cliffhangers from Chapter 19, “The Man Who Sold the World.” I think it’s gonna be a pretty fun summer.
Of course, if you want to get your SuperFogeys fix now AND do a little to support this comic that’s been running for free all these years, I highly recommend pledging at least $1.00 to the SuperFogeys Patreon. That will get you full access to the behind-the-scenes blog I’ve been running for about a month (and will continue to run once Chapter 20 spools up). Pledge $3.00 a strip and SuperFogeys won’t be returning June 15th for you–it will come back on June 14th because you’ll be getting the strips a day early.
Hesitant about pledging because you’re worried about breaking your budget on our three-times-a-week schedule? No worries. Just set a monthly maximum and decide how much or how little you want to pay in a month. We’re not trying to fleece anybody over here.
If you want more details on the Patreon and see the cool little video I cooked up explaining just what the heck Patreon is and all of this in a bit more detail, head on over to the SuperFogeys Patreon Page. We hope to see you there and we hope to do you proud.
Three hurras for the triumphant return of the most dramatic superhero comedy around!