Yikes! Sorry, folks. Didn’t mean to take so long to get some notes up.
The big revelation with this strip hearkens allllll the way back to this strip, when we saw for the first (and only) time what the Thrice Evil of Earth-Abaddon would be like were certain controls not in place. And now you know where those controls came from.
“Chapter 19 – The Man Who Sold the World” ends on Wednesday. See you then!
Yea i remember the time jerry turned it off. A very different thrice came out.
You are too right. Good memory!
intersting developments are in this strip, but I wonder how powerful this version of Thrice evil is if he wasn’t his sad self ?
See the link in the new notes under the post!
I can remember reading that strip, but if someone could post a link to it, I’d really appreciate it.
Just posted. Sorry for the delay.
I’ve only ever been right once in my crazy speculation in the course of the strip, but feel slightly vindicated for thinking Thrice Evil and his scrambled brain had a larger part to play in the story. Even if none of my theories on how were correct. Not even remotely. Making your alternate dimension counterpart a prisoner in his own body to remove him as competitor and make sure he doesn’t conquer Earth-Abbadon before you can breach the dimensional barrier and do it yourself? I tip my Evil Hat to you, Thrice, and to Brock for making you so diabolical. Of course, in another Heasleyian plot twist two months from now, it will turn out Zombie Orson Welles was really behind it all and Avalon Thrice was just his pawn. Naturally, the next plot twist will then be when Zombie Orson Welles is revealed as Avalon Harvey in a Zombie Orson Welles suit, who did all of this because he felt jilted when Avalon Dr. Rocket turned good and married Zurida.
Andrew! Good to have you back, man! Was wondering where you’d gotten off to.
I don’t know about those future plot twists… but I like the idea of Harvey as the mastermind behind everything. So let’s go with that.