Hey, everyone! The intense debate that followed last week’s strip took me a bit by surprise. I opted out of commenting because I didn’t want to give weight to one view over another, but at some point today I’m finally going to dive in and try my hand at a little opining.
The issue of what Jerry is responsible for is a sticky one and I think what I realized after reading all of your comments is that it probably doesn’t really matter what I think. What is there and presented in the story allows for two very different interpretations and I think that’s pretty cool.
Still, if you’re curious what I have to say, I plan on being perfectly candid. Watch this space.
See you on Wednesday! This chapter is almost over!
Zurida seemed pretty scared when Jerry threatened to toss the crystal into the center of the Earh.
Can she now go to the center of the Earth or crack it open like a PiƱata.
It fascinates me sometimes, the unfailing surprise people experience when they learn that there are people willing to trade away their very -soul- just to make a better world for the people they care about.
. . . she offered him nookie in exchange for his freedom and cooperation, didn’t she?
I’m curious what she had to do…
Like any good spy.
There’s nothing scarier than a truly righteous (wo)man with a cause that they believe in.