Some moments don’t need words. I know that’s a pretty rare thing around here, but I’m always glad when they pop up. Less lettering for me to do! Granted, it’s more drawing for Marc, but he rocks these moments so everybody wins.
Only one regular update next week (and a special, Christmas surprise, of course), but it’s a doozy. Double-sized. You will want to be there.
Don’t forget! Submissions for Guest Strippin’ Xmas 5 due on Friday (though I’ll secretly accept them over the weekend as well)!
At this point, I’m calling the tragic option: Tom’s getting shot.
That would mean Sokol had terrible aim… Then again he IS a minion :-/ However, this would ALSO be a great moment for the complete opposite, that is, Star/Dark maidens redemption
I’m half-tempted to say John Scobie may be right, because unless I’m mistaken that’s Tom’s helmet in the right hand corner of the first panel. I think it would be a pretty poorly thought out heroic sacrifice, though, because I imagine CS is some degree of “laser proof”. At the same time, Brock likes to unleash his diabolical Heasleyian plot twists. We see Percy and CS trying to subdue Tangerine. We see Sokol grab a hidden gun and fire it. The assumption is made that he is trying to stop Zurida’s assassination because he is her minion. I speculated before that it was an awfully big gamble for Pilatius and Bezuel to bet their lives that Tangerine would be able to take out Zurida and that he may just be a distraction for the actual assassination attempt. Sokol appears to be firing at chest height and we see Zurida falling in panel one, but her position isn’t shown in panel two. I’m very interest to see what he was actually aiming at and what he hits next week. Also, kudos to CS. I knew he wouldn’t just stand around and let the human race be exterminated.
I support the “he’s firing at Zurida” theory, but mostl because I think I see Sokol Smiling in panel one… But I may be imagining things.
I’ll weigh in on this on Monday. (Heh.)
This may not end well…that is if, can Tangerine survive a laser fire to the chest ?
No, Tangerine would most likely not survive such a hit. He’s all human in the chest area.
There is no way that this ends well for anyone…
Not true! The Azularian guards are getting overtime pay.
Always hide a gun in your guthrie.
That’s solid life advice right there.
You can’t have that many people in the way of gun/laser fire and NOT get the wrong person. My money is on the Captain since he’s almost directly in front of Tangerine. Unless, of course, someone else dives in front of Cap to save HIM. Based on the placement of everyone in Monday’s strip that would mean Michelle or Dark Maiden…
Could be a warning shot, right?
Nah, probably not.
I guess that he is aiming at Pilatus, as he revealed that he is the mastermind behind the betrayal. It is him or it will ricochet to Dark Maiden so she can turn again in her loony self.
Pilatius would make A LOT of sense. I’m just sayin’.
I was going to post Pilatus but Champy beat me to it.
Haha, the last time Tangerine killed someone Captain wasn’t even trying to stop him. So Captain is back, we could say.
I guess you are mirroring that time here, right?
The parallel was certainly something I had in mind. Different responses to similar situations are a great way to show character growth.
Well, it looks like part of Tangerine’s plan is working. I probably should have commented on this with regard to the previous comic, but his “GRRAARR, Zurida!” did not seem to me like genuine berserker rage. Rather, it seemed like he was warning her and calling on those around to stop him. That way he fulfills his part of the bargain (sort of), but doesn’t have to kill.
That said, I doubt Sokol firing at anyone was part of Tangerine’s plan.
Since Tangerine entered into this compact to kill Zurida with great reluctance, I think you’re spot on in your assessment that he is not in a berserker rage here. He’s doing what he’s gotta do, so I read it as he’s trying to psyche himself up.