I’m gonna be honest with you guys–I did not plan on introducing this story thread in this chapter. I mean, there’s an alien invasion going on. How many more threats do the Fogeys need to deal with?
This isn’t the same as saying this is an unplanned story. What Money Man is talking about is something I’ve had in mind for a quite a while, but I always saw it as something that would come much later. It came up now for the most basic of storytelling reasons: you always wanna be surprising your readers and turning the heat up on your characters. This is the big heat. The one lurking behind everything. It’s all layers. Layers upon layers upon layers. My job is not to lose you and overcomplicate things. We’ll see how it goes.
About 10 strips left in this chapter. Good stuff ahead. Some of which you’ve been waiting to see for a long, LONG time.
Thanks for all the great discussion in the comments lately. You make it tough to stay one step ahead, but I enjoy the challenge!
Goodbye, Money Man! We’ll see you in another 60 years!
Shh! You’ll ruin the flash forward!
Are you related to the Author?
Maybe it’s time the fogeys train a new generation personally now that the former League (Who let’s face it were pretty corrupt and bad at their jobs anyway) are gone, Like Captain trains his space son the bad Doctor soups up Tom into jet pack hero (Of course that doesn’t mean they won’t fight himself). Also is Money man from an alternate dimension where they did meet this threat or is he still alive and learned of the threat and just has teleportation technology, I’m super curious about this I hope it will be explained soon.
It WILL be explained. Soon? Depends on your definition. You will see Money Man again, that much I promise.
Great first panel by the former Captain, but even I’m more confuse as of who the new threat is and what happen to Moneyman ?
Confusion is good! Still early days for this mystery.
HI, guys! Allow me to waste time complaining about the way you dress and the company you keep so that I can disappear just before telling you the important stuff.
but before all that, just let me look badass
Speaking of disappearing acts, Money Man’s fourth finger has vanished as well.
I keep telling you that Jenny Everywhere brought this Money Man from a universe where he didn’t die, but no one is listening. She just stepped out for some toast while he was talking, is all.
Nope. He has two behind his ear.
so all the theories of different dimensions/ timelines are true? I really thought that like in the comic world everybody can be resurrected… except for uncle Ben
..and the Waynes!
And Spider-Man’s parents! (Man, that guy really has it the worst.)
The html tag didn’t work…
Maybe Mega Matt1 really is MEGA, If there are 1,000 alternate timelines and 999 Mega Matts are lame hipster poets becasue Mega Matt1 siphoned off all their super qualities for himself.
Now he is coming here full of teenage angst.
Teenage angst–the most powerful force in the universe.
Yep. NO idea how things progress from here…
(Who was Money Man’s ride, though?)
That’s how we like it.
Glad to help, Sir. :p
As for The Neverending Story, I’ll keep an eye out, but you are quite canny in your plot twistings. *I* ain’t worried.
I didn’t see any bubbles of light, so this is something new entirely. He is coming huh? Man, talk about life just getting all sorts of messy for our super heroes. We still have to deal with Jerry killing “her” who ever she is that Time Traveling Swifty was upset about. Man, SF just keeps getting better and better with each new installment.
Not sure about the “her” you’re referring to, Todd. Future Swifty never made any mention of a “her” that I can recall.
Glad you’re digging it though!
I’m not sure if I’m going disappointed or not if the threat isn’t The Who.
That said the story grows like it has done quite some time. But will it be too big at some point? I’m not sure about how to feel about that. But let the story happen, it’s the best way to enjoy the ride.
I can tell you that’s something I think about a lot. I know with this many characters and all these big threats it can get out of control very quickly. I try to be careful, but it will get bigger before it all ends. We’ll find out how it goes together!
What was that unstoppable demon destined to be defeated by the Speedster that Swifty never got to beat called again?
Also, there goes Zurida.
I don’t believe we ever found out what the name of that thing Swifty was supposed to fight was. That’s a largely untold story and related to Swifty’s origin–which I’ve yet to get around to telling.
Wonder where Zurida’s dashing off to with that sinister smile in panel 2. Random crazy theories: It’s an evil alternate universe Tom, he’s had enough bad things happen to him its possible he snapped. Alternate universe Dr Rocket who is really CS because they didn’t switch the medal on the Jorbon ship. Alternate universe Mr Crook who is still alive and ready to use his doomsday plan. Gene, because he has been missing and is likely up to something. Finally, Zombie Orson Welles: http://superfogeys.com/2007/03/27/126-who-the-is-the-third-man/
Wait… someone remembers Zombie Orson Welles? I’m shocked and pleased. Andrew, your memory of SF lore is DEEP.
Somehow I feel an Angel thing coming on. Like, the apocalypse is coming but then it actually arrives and no one knows it’s already started.
Spoiler alert? Basically, everybody should watch Angel. And read SF. Staples, folks.
What he said.
The Money Man is giving off a ’2010″ vibe (David Bowman when he visits Floyd) with his I will try to visit again. The suspense you are building and the thick foreshadowing throughout this comic is wonderful.
So glad it’s working for you, Mark! And I love the 2010 comparison. Haven’t read the book, but I always thought that was an underrated movie.
A part of me, for religious reasons we share, almost thought Money Man was talking about Jesus and he REALLY did die waaaaaayyy back when, if you know what I mean, but is back from beyond the grave. But later Zurida says a great evil is coming, so I guess I’m wrong once again, ha ha… Unless she was referring to someone else, if you know what I mean, I’ll have to keep guessing.