There’s just one week of this hiatus left! Starting today and through Friday–Guest Strips! Today I bring you this deep dive into arcane continuity from Gwen Patton. Gwen is riffing off of something revealed not too long ago–namely that there are Space Monkey’s and their poo has a strange property that can turn human beings into animals with emotional issues.
So, for those keeping track at home… Space Pig Urine puts you to sleep. Space Monkey poo turns you into an animal with emotional issues… anyone wanna guess what Space Cow milk does?
So Space Monkey poo = Red Kryptonite that effects EVERYONE??
Space pig pee makes people sleepy while space monkey poo effects everyone differently for 24 hours?
Not exactly like Red Kryptonite, but you’re close. The animals-with-emotional-issues things is pretty specific, but yes, it can affect all humans. 24 hours? That sounds about right.
I love how you know it is Spy Gal, yet it is a horse. Ha!
Hope Dictator Tot can run fast, cus unless Spy Gal is on her way to the glue factory I wouldn’t think it too hard for a horse to overtake a smart mouth little brat.