Man, Tom really knows how to play it to the Rocket family, doesn’t he?
What would you say to your 20-year-old self? I took some time to figure it out and came up with 11 pieces of advice that dude would probably never take. Click here to give it a read. Includes pics of me at 20! (view at your own risk)
Look at how Harvey’s ears pick up. I can almost see him moving.
I think he means “I’m really not that GOOD a guy.” Oh, Tom.
Good… bad… it’s all realitive, no?
The lesson of this story is that you must tell your dark secrets to everyone so you won’t be kidnapped.
I once kicked a cross-dressing nun in the balls.
Truly a unique experience.
Hey, that orphanage attacked me first.
Man Dr. Rocket has some mood swings or what? Guess it comes with the mad evil genius territory.
He’s a man who knows what he likes.
@Tyler — in this case it’s a matter of Tom knowing his audience. Boy should go into marketing. I’m still amused by how easy it is to perk up Dr. Rocket, although one has to admit killing a bird with a hammer is impressive. Knowing Tom and his jet-pack addiction, it was probably in-flight, too.
See Tom’s origin story in SF:O for the full story on the bird and the hammer.
There is nothing as sweet as death of an innocent animal to bring too people together. At least they are starting to find a common ground where they can grow some sort of a relationship. I’m sure one day they will both look back on this time while smashing a small bird with a ball pin hammer and share a good laugh.
Nice. Even evil villains and sons of superheroes with inferiority complexes can get along. I see the vision, Todd.
“Hey, why do you think I love jetpacks? That convenience store MADE me knock it over! It sassed me! My jetpack just made it easy to escape that convenience store’s snapping jaws!”
Yay! Bonding moment! Sorta….