362 – Robots Don’t Sleep

Discussion (28) ¬

  1. Infamous Nefarious
    Infamous Nefarious

    Oh it’s on now. I like everything I see here.

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      Marc did a STUNNING job on this one.

      • Infamous Nefarious
        Infamous Nefarious

        Indeed he did. He deserves a cinnabon. I especially enjoy seeing Dr. Rocket thwarting Thrice’s yet another of Thrice’s attempts at suicide.

        At what point will Jerry’s plan blow out of proportion up into his face to such a degree that he goes: “Oh balls. I think I overdid it.” And he resigns himself to deactivating the various restraining devices on the residents that are keeping their powers locked down? I have a feeling they’re gonna need the edge and it would be really awesome to see Thrice off of his leash in particular.

  2. Si Civa
    Si Civa

    Yeah, this is pretty much how you do it. And Jerry is doing rather well fighting here, isn’t he?

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      Eh. He’s pulling wires. They could also be robot hair.

      • Si Civa
        Si Civa

        But the wires are there for reason, they bring energy! Expect if they’re there just to fool people.

  3. krheasley

    Ah. I see that Spy Gal has an addiction of her own. Adrenaline junkie.

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      But don’t worry–she’s getting help for it.

  4. mkinyon

    Does Space Pig really think his anesthetic will help? Maybe he is hoping it will cause rust.

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      Space Pig does what he can. Always. Even if it won’t work.

      • Animaniac

        Unless Swifty’s asking

        • Brock Heasley
          Brock Heasley

          Too right!

  5. Spike Matthews

    Sorry Spacepig – should have read the title.

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      You’re assuming Space Pig an read. (Of course he can.)

  6. LTGamer

    I didn’t even notice Spacepig, but that’s really funny. Well, I guess you’ve got to go with your strengths.

    As for Spygal’s reaction, it’s probably been a long time since she last got to battle. This is just like the old days to her (before she was old :P ). It probably makes her feel young again.

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      I know it works for me. Every time a giant robot rolls through town, I feel like a new man.

  7. drew

    looks like everyone is involved i’m guessing this robot has no real purpose in terms of control. It was built JUST to run wild.

    It’s nice to see dr. rocket pushing the Thrice Evil out of harms way and to see soviet sam wrecking shop!

    A hell of a page for a monday!!!!

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      Agreed! I love starting the week off with this one. It’s the kick in the pants we all need.

  8. Blackbeard's Delight
    Blackbeard's Delight

    Now she needs to figure out how to remove that pesky power dampener. Bobby pin powers activate.

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      That stupid power dampener. Why do I feel like it’s gonna be a serious issue in this fight?

  9. Heather

    I soo want to control this robot and send it to destroy some companies I could name. This panel portrays so much of what I am feeling this morning. I want to be Spy Gal’s sidekick…

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      Heather, that sounds like a bad day. If you’re dealing with “companies,” I can only imagine how bad it must be.

  10. Scott

    OK, I find the assault on the giant robot hilarious, although that probably wasn’t the intention. Soviet Sam reminds me of a video-game character in a beat-em-up: doesn’t matter WHAT you’re fighting, just pummel it with your fists and it will eventually break! Space Pig peeing on it is also hilarious. However, the part that REALLY catches my attention is Dr. Rocket performing a heroic tackle to save Thrice Evil. We’ve already seen how Dr. Rocket cares little for his team mates, with the exception of Mr. Crook. I’m wondering if he’s got a soft spot for Thrice Evil too, considering he helped create him…

  11. Brock Heasley
    Brock Heasley

    Intended to be funny? Oh, yes. What’s the sense in it if you’re not gonna have a little fun?

  12. tmcelmurry

    This is an amazing strip. The action with the other SF gang in the background is phenomenal. There is so much going on here, and to see Spy Gal just embracing it and getting almost giddy about it. The inset is absolutely brilliant.

    Man, look at Soviet Sam just wailing away on that thing. Go Sam, Go!!! Hey everybody, Space Pig has claimed the left leg. :)

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      Thanks, Todd! I’m glad everyone is getting a kick out of seeing some real action. Feel long overdue, doesn’t it? But that’s what happens when you build a story around INaction heroes.

  13. CartoonistWill

    I really like this one. I’m just not sure what else to say. Everyone already. pointed out Space Pig. The only thing I might could add to this is my reaction to the far right panel. The first thing I thought was “Oh, yeah, there’s the Spy Gal hair I’ve come to know and love,” via the earlier character design. Eyebrows are still off, but what you going to do? I guess I’m a classic design lover.

  14. Nick Perkins

    Everything about this strip sings. Such beautiful destruction!

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