Hey all, just a quick update to let you know that my surgery went just fine and I’m recuperating well. Thanks for all the concern and advice. My doctor and I will most certainly be speaking about my future diet during my follow-up appointment.
As you know, for the rest of the month of January SF is only updating once-a-week, on Thursdays. My plan is to have a new strip to you on Thursday this week but I can’t make a firm promise right now. Unfortunately, a couple days after my surgery, my youngest daughter made her own trip into the hospital for pneumonia. She’s still there and things are kind of up in the air at my house right now. If I can find enough time tomorrow then I will do a strip and you will see it on Thursday.
If not, my apologies. I’ll try to at least get some sketch art up for you. I’ll post something, rest assured. Stick with me–this will all be over come February 3rd when SuperFogeys Origins debuts. 3 and a half pages of that are already in the can!
Also, bonus, today’s my birthday. Yay, 32! I’m almost to my ideal age! (35)
In the midst of my medicated haze I still managed to record what I think is a pretty good interview with Phil and Kurt over at TGT. We covered SF extensively, touching on its creation, the creation of certain characters, why SuperFogeys Origin and I even dropped a serious spoiler or two. Argon Assistant, a regular SF SuperFan, even stopped by to grill me and talk about all things SF. It was great fun getting to talk a real, notices-every-little-thing-in-SF fan.
I haven’t listened back to this so I don’t if I talked to fast and made little sense thanks to my altered state (probably did), but here you go anyway. Enjoy!
Original post as follows:
Well, that was quick! My surgeon was able to schedule me for today, so enjoy today’s strip while I fall into the loving arms of sweet, sweet Vicodin. I’ve been dealing with stomach issues for going on two years now. Hard to believe the misery is almost over.
Thanks to everyone for all the well-wishes and emails!
Anyone else bored with the black and white strips with gray tones? I sure am. Can’t wait to get back to the funeral and the color strips. I think my use of gray tones has kind of gone off the rails, i.e. its not very good anymore. I need to reassess my approach for the next time I do it.
SuperFogeys Forum
Just a heads-up that I’ve recommitted myself to the forum. Look for odd bits of news, sketches and cool topics to chew on now and in the near future. Right now, there’s a thread about which stories you’d like to see told in SuperFogeys Origins. Come on over and let your voice be heard!
Next Week:
My hope is that there will be a strip next week. I’ve never had surgery before, so I don’t really know. That’s certainly my plan. If so, you can look forward to what I think is the most pivotal moment in Dr. Rocket and Captain Spectacular’s early history. Be there on Thursday for that!
Also hoping to show off one more page of the bonus story in the upcoming SuperFogeys Collection #4. If so, that will be on Tuesday. Geez, I’m not really coming through on the promise of once-a-week updates in January, am I?