What a fun strip this was to work on. From the dialogue dance to the pure character illustration, I just love it. What I’m trying to do is say a lot about the relationship between Captain Spectacular and Spy Gal in very few frames. Up to you whether I succeeded or not.
Captain Spectacular thinking he may have seen the Third Man before is direct callback to the story “The Audition” which you can find in the Untold Tales section of SuperFogeys Vol.1, on sale in the SuperFogeys store.
Drunk Duck Awards
Results are coming in and so far the SuperFogeys have lost at least one bout. Congrats to “Super Temps” for winning best superhero comic!
Still “Best Parody/Tribute Comic” and “Best Antagonist” to go. Cross your fingers…
Hi, I’m a Mac
Today, I finally did it. I made the switch from a PC to a Mac. Not fully online yet, but the purchase has been made. Even got a free iPod and printer out of the deal. I became convinced the switch was necessary when my 9-to-5 got me a brand spankin’ new iMac at the beginning of this year. Now, I’ve got one at home as well. It’s purty.
PC, enjoy going down in flames.
New SuperFogeys.com Update
There’s a rumor the official launch is days, not weeks away. Could it be?