The dialogue was really tricky on this one. I had a pretty complex idea in my head and conveying it in as few words as possible was difficult. But…it’s a Star Maiden strip and for some reason putting words in her mouth is a snap for me. What’s the difference between a character like Swifty, who I always have a hard time writing for, and her? I dunno. Maybe I’m more crazy than sarcastic.
In any case, even though this is a bit wordy, it’s still one of my faves. And Clovis is such a great character. I think I’ll bring him back in Chapter 8.
Haven’t mentioned this in a while, but just wanted to let you know that we’re about to wrap production on the third SuperFogeys book and it’ll be off to the printers soon. It collects all of Chapter 4, “Dictator Tot’s Revenge” along with a few other surprises.
Far and away the best thing about the third book is the 11-page bonus story I worked on with Chip Skelton, “Cellmates.” I wrote it, but Chip (ofBroken) goes to town on the visuals! It’s got noir, dungeons, halloween costumes, peanut butter cookies, a new villain–the works, really. Can’t imagine what “Broken” style artwork would look like in the SuperFogeys world? Don’t think that’ll fit? You’ll be able to judge for yourself soon when I offer up a preview.
You can preorder SuperFogeys book 3 at the Th3rd World Store.
The 150th Strip!
Today’s a pretty big milestone, no? Big thanks to Drunk Duck for highlighting this strip in its very own news post! THAT was a surprise.
Forgotten Friends
Touched bases with two old friends last night. One of them I’ve known since junior high. I keep in touch with almost no one from that era of my life, but she’s someone who has become important not just to me, but also to my family. Was great seeing her little son play with my girls. Such a trip.
Then, immediately afterwards, my friend David who now lives in Japan came over after 3 years away and it was great to get his perspective on things. I think he’s crossed over a bit, and looking through Japanese eyes now. He was pretty critical of Americans and the way they follow trends so slavishly. I asked about the Japanese and he said for them everything is seasonal and they hop on a new trend every 6 months. “How is that better?” I asked. He didn’t have an answer for me.
Well, he did, but since I was sure I was right I just ignored him and forgot what it was.
Next Week:
Santa Rocket stops in on Jerry and Captain Spectacular extends an olive branch.