Welcome to Chapter 10 of the SuperFogeys, Bubbles of Light. If chapters 1-5 are Volume One (available for sale in print here), and chapters 6-9 are Volume 2 (available in print pending demand!), then today officially kicks off Volume 3!
I don’t want to say too much about what this chapter is all about (because anything I would tell you would ruin some of the cool surprises coming up), but from the title alone you can reasonably conclude that time travel will be a factor.
Now, some of you may be saying “I hate time travel” or “Time travel makes my head hurt” or “Time travel owes me money and I need to buy a sandwich.” So, maybe you’re down on time travel? All I ask is that you give me a chance. I’m probably not going to be approaching it in the way you’re thinking or (hopefully) used to seeing.
But. Besides all that. Each new volume is an opportunity to do something new–new tone, new characters, new plot lines–even better art, if I can manage it. Let’s see what this volume brings. I know I’m excited–I’m actually ahead for the first time in years! The first three strips of Chapter 10 are already in the can.
Tuesday sees the release of the second page of Spy Gal’s origin–a GORGEOUS page, if I may so (and I can since the art is by the fantastic Lee Cherolis).
Then, on Thursday, be back here as Bubbles of Light continues and Jerry does his best to offer up an explanation for his improved condition. Who thinks he’s gonna tell the truth? Anyone? Anyone?
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