Holy stinking snot bunnies. We just hit 600 strips. 600 STRIPS! How did this happen? How is it even possible that SuperFogeys is still going strong almost 7 years after it first debuted? I’ll tell you how: Marc Lapierre. Today marks the publication of Marc’s 300th SuperFogeys strip. Those of you with long memories will [...]
Posts Tagged ‘alt harvey’
3 items.
There’s a little bit of an info drop in that first panel, but forget about that BECAUSE HOLY CRUD THAT SECOND PANEL! The only bad thing about it is it’s so small. Marc draws battles and combat as good as the best and he did not disappoint here. The new coloring technique he’s been using [...]
└ Tags: alt captain spectacular 2, alt harvey, alt jimmy go dead, alt ms. missile, alt spy gal, alt starbrighter, alt suckface, alt swifty, alt tangerine, alt thrice cave, alt thrice evil, battle, fight, force majeure, general will, raptor xii, swifty
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I just can’t even comprehend the amount of work that had to go into that second panel. Strips may be small, but that deserves blowing up. Wow. I haven’t counted how many characters Marc managed to cram in there, but I know it’s a lot. I script these things but Marc always, always turns it [...]
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