We are now officially in a brand new era of The SuperFogeys. Jerry and Spy Gal are married.
I thought it might be fun to take a look back at their romance from Spy Gal’s perspective. How did she get here? Which interactions were key? Call this The Annotated SuperFogeys: Spy Gal’s Perspective.
The first time we saw Jerry and Spy Gal interact, she seemed almost irritated by his presence and was certainly dismissive of him. Captain Spectacular soon took over that particular adventure, so the next time Jerry made any approach towards Spy Gal was when he tried to sit next to her and Cap told him to take a hike. Once again, Spy Gal looked mildly irritated by his very presence.
Spy Gal finally, openly expressed her irritation towards Jerry by highlighting his single chest hair. That was a low blow for sure, but it doesn’t even compare to the ultimate 21st Century diss that was Spy Gal refusing Jerry’s friend request on WebSpace. Later, in Dr. Klein’s office, she made it clear she still sees Jerry as a boy, not the man he’d grown into.
Things finally started to turn around when Jerry’s crying appealed to Spy Gal’s mothering instinct and she promised to protect him. Her failure to do so and her subsequent guilt turned her attentions towards Jerry into something much more than mild irritation, paving the way for Jerry to finally show Spy Gal that he’s not the little boy she thought he was. But, of course, it was a small effort that yielded small results. Spy Gal still saw Jerry as nothing more than a “little brother.”
Even after Captain Spectacular’s marriage proposal, Spy Gal continued to care for Jerry while he lay in the infirmary and even consulted him on her relationship with the Captain. Finally, Jerry graduated from little brother to “good friend.” She even later admitted to Dr. Klein that they’d “grown close.”
No one was happier than Spy Gal when Jerry finally made it out of the infirmary and started walking for the first time in years. Spy Gal got further chance to show her new affection for Jerry when they embarked on an adventure together and she insisted on taking the lead while he recovered. It was the sign Jerry was waiting for and, when he reached for Spy Gal’s hand, she didn’t pull away.
With Jerry’s character and place in her life now fully rewritten, Spy Gal further demonstrated her affections by seeing personally to Jerry’s happiness and inclusion. After Captain Spectacular decided playing the slots was more important than spending time with his bride-to-be, Jerry gave Spy Gal the shock of her life when he proclaimed her love for her. But it was too much too soon and, even while she did admit she did have some feelings for Jerry, Spy Gal was still firmly committed to the Captain. Still, she couldn’t help herself. Jerry’s words rang in her mind and those feelings bubbled to the surface.
When a giant robot attacked them, Spy Gal was impressed by Jerry’s go-to attitude, which stood in stark contrast to the Captain’s reluctance to act like the hero he’s supposed to be. It was that failure that paved the way for Spy Gal and Jerry to fight the robot together. After defeating the robot all by himself, Spy Gal finally saw that Jerry was the man of action she was looking for and they kissed.
Taking advantage of the fact that they were in Vegas and Spy Gal had broken off her engagement to the Captain, Jerry quickly proposed and the pair were married that very night!
Awww… romance. Happy Valentine’s Day, everybody!
Hate it. Still no class at all.
Rooting for it to crash and burn.
A perfectly valid point of view. Thank for always speaking your mind. I honestly do appreciate it.
Mostly because it’s a sick, ugly travesty of love. She doesn’t know him or all he’s done, so she cannot really love him. He kidnapped her to Valhalla, kept her a prisoner, took away all her power, objectified her and manipulated her. Treated her as a non-person for the purpose of possessing her. He doesn’t love the real person she is – doesn’t even know her, or want to. All he wants is revenge, possession and power. And actually, I have been paying attention for five years, so this sum-up contained no surprises for me. In fact, it may make sense but it points how little she’s really grown since she rebelled against her authoritarian father and went on a crime spree. Substitute Wilbur for the father-figure and as soon as he’s sufficiently disappointed her she runs off and acts out with Jerry to reassert herself and get back at Daddy. Not love. Anger, rebellion and spite. And that little “joke” in today’s strip was Freudian at the least and cruel at worst. She knows, even subconsciously, that Jerry is still beneath her, and she might just follow up with more “jokes” like it to put him in his place. How many giant robots has Captain Spectacular single-handedly defeated in his career, after all? How many has Spygal? This being a comic-book universe with decades of back-story, probably more than just one. Even before the big reveal where she finds out about all of Jerry’s little rat’s-revenge elements and the fact that he is really a supervillain and a punk and a crook and wanker, I predict that Jerry’s insecurities are going to sink this “valentine” into a nasty place.
I admit that it makes more sense now.
That’s cool. I think it does help when you look at it all at once. Piecemeal over 5 years can alter perception.
Totally in character for SpyGal given her backstory but she’s still nuts to leap from one fianceé to another.
It’s certainly not the choice I would have made, that’s for dang sure.