Marc here with a brand new strip full of Earth (or Earths) shattering information.
Both Brock and I thank you for your patience while the dust settles from Brock’s unemployment situation. For the time being, we’ll be scaling back our schedule a bit to accommodate the unexpected curve balls of life. There will be no regular strip this Wednesday. Instead I will be posting a special look at the integral new character introduced here, The Caretaker. Then, next Monday we get a glimpse into just how far Earth Avalon’s Thrice Evil would go to accomplish his goals. We will return to our regular twice a week schedule very shortly.
In the meantime, if you’d like some insight into Brock’s situation, check out his blog HERE:
I’m guessing that the “evil” universe has the three fingered people, and the “good” universe has the four fingered folks.
I also get the feeling that this is going in a “Crisis On Infinite Earths” direction: One Earth becomes many, Caretaker = Monitor, Thrice Evil = Krona (or Pariah, depending on how you look at it), and ? = Anti-Monitor.
You may be right, but I’ve kinda got a feeling that there may be an even worse universe (we have Avalon “the good”, Original ” The one where good people have been found wanting” and then possibly X “Evil has ( maybe almost) won”) of which the Avalonians are afraid, and that’s why they’re trying to get to original earth.but that is pretty much just guesswork at this point
Nobody likes to play a game that they know they can’t win. What kind of fool do you think I’ve been?
~plops down indian-style and listens~ Ohhhhhh? Noice! Weird story time!
Very Asimovian! (Think Foundation and Earth
So the moon landing was all a Thrice Evilian plot to get the Caretaker.
Is Thrice Evil ancient or are those Shepherd’s in the middle east?
I’d guess Thrice Evil is using Gina’s time traveling abilities to talk to ancient shepards. I’d bet a nickel the Caretaker was more active and visible in ‘olden’ times and retreated as superheroes developed to take over the day to day jobs.
I’m not sure how I feel about the introduction of this new benevolent god-like yet fallible character capable of shaping over all events.