Hey everyone, I want to take away from today’s strip (I count at least two revelations! One I’m pretty sure some of you saw coming, and one I don’t think anyone did), but I wanted to let you know about a little situation here at SuperFogeys Central. Unfortunately, in a double whammy, my wife and lost our jobs within 24 hours of each other. I’m now unemployed and not entirely sure what the future holds.
As such, updating SuperFogeys is going to be a bit difficult for at least a little while as I’m not just the writer, but also the letterer and poster and all of that. Marc says he has what he needs to get Wednesday’s strip done, but after that I’m afraid we need to take at least a week off to regroup. I’m sorry about that. I hope we have your understanding and patience because we’ve got great stuff in the works and we’re bound and determined to get it out there.
Thank you, as always, for your support.
Sorry to hear that. I hope you guys bounce back soon.
Thank you, sir.
Sorry to hear about the misfortune with the employment. I did the unemployment thing for a few months last year. It sucks.
If you decide that you need to put superfogeys on a pay model to help, I would be happy to contribute a reasonable sum.
Just noticed the “donate” button and sent something. Thanks for a great strip that has kept me coming back.
Awfully kind of you to want to help out in that way. We’re actually working on something that’s a bit more involved than our current donation model–something that makes it easier and more enjoyable to support SF financially for those of you who want to.
Your donation, however, is well received. All donations go directly to Marc and I know he deeply appreciates it.
Paetron? I know Dr. McNinja uses it. Seems OK.
@Brock: I’m confident you’ll be fine. It’s going to be rough for a bit but I’m sure things will sort themselves out. Although you might want to include a way to allow for donations to go your way as well — I know Marc’s gotta eat too but still.
Well… it’s funny everyone should mention Patreon today. We started setting up a page over the weekend. Will be launching just as soon as I can get a video together and iron out the details.
Marc didn’t feel right about taking the donation meant for me, so he went ahead and forwarded it to me. It was not my intent to ask for donations, but I can’t tell you how much it means to me. Thank you, Yo Spiff.
Wait what?! Gina is Jerry’s daughter?!?!?! รด,0
Who’s the mother?
I hope you bounce back soon. In the meantime, we’ll wait with all due patience for updates.
Gina is PORTALMAKER’S daughter.
Thanks, Bender. I have no doubt we will.
May the power of Patreon Protect you. Hint. Hint.
Seriously though, sorry for these set backs. They’ve completely interfered with the previous set backs we already had planned for you. Oh well, back to the drawing board and hope things get better.
As I mentioned to Scott above, Patreon went into the works last night. Will be launching very, very soon. Things will get better, for sure. I have lots of faith in that.
Okay who in “this world” married Jerry and could this Gina be the Gina that’s grown up already ans we have already seen before ?
Oh and before I forget, I’m sorry about the lost of both you and your wife jobs and I truly hope the two of you are able to bounce back from this.
Thanks, Marcus. The mystery of Gina’s mom is something we’re gonna hold onto for a little while. As for who this little girl Gina is… yeah, you’re more familiar with the grown up version. Same person.
I am really sorry to hear about your setback, being unemployed is stressful, I know. Here’s hoping that you two bounce back to better than before.
Thanks, Romi.
Being unemployed is not for the weak of heart. Drove me crazy in a matter of weeks. Thank god it’s over. I don’t know what you and your wife do, but I am confident you will land on your feet. Just don’t let it get you mentally.
Also, don’t stress yourself about the comic. True fans will wait while you get things sorted out. (Damn it, I just used the term “true fan”…)
And before I forget it: The Portalmaker’s design is again a very nice one. He seems o be more agile than his cpunterpart, not as bulked up/body-builder-like. The arrow confuses me a bit though. Of course, Jerry has one, but with the portal-power, I don’t get it.