This chapter is gonna zip back and forth pretty often between Earth-Avalon and Earth-? (so named for now, though the number of this strip–616–has a nice ring to it, don’t you think? (major Captain-America-Wizard-of-Oz points if you get that)), so get your charts out. Actually–hopefully–you shouldn’t need them. If you’ll notice, something I’ve been doing a lot more of recently is adding captions to the strips. Gotta keeps things straight.
I think Marc did just a beautiful job on the art in this strip. His idea to set it at night to show a passage of time and I think that was just exactly right, for thematic reasons as much as anything else. And that’s just the first panel. As usual, Marc excels at action.
For those of you with short memories, the last time we saw the craft that got blowed up real good in the last panel of this strip was right here.
Did you hear? The price of issue 2 of SuperFogeys on Comixology has been reduced by 50%! 99 of your hard-earned cents is all it will take to get that sucker in your device of choice. And, of course, the first issue is still free. Your support is appreciated!
Could just call it Earth-Valhalla. Makes more sense since Avalon and Valhalla are sacred places in various myths/legends… Plus that is where this group lived…
I like that +1 vote!
That makes a TON of sense and I can honestly tell you I considered it.
But that’s not it.
Doubt I’ll be the first, and certainly not the last, but for starters “Earth 616″ is the official designation for the current marvel “main” continuity universe where most of their mainstream titles take place.
As far as name suggestions, I think “Earth-Dolores” would work best. Find my reasoning (assuming there is any) and I’ll take you to fairy land.
Because Dolores = pains and sorrows, with the Latin root “dolo” meaning “sorrow”.
Excellent work. I’ve subcontracted your extended vacation to fairyland to the following fine, upstanding gentleman:
See? I knew you were guys were smart. You get all the Captain-America-Wizard-of-Oz points.
Thank goodness it wasn’t Sam holding the weapon that blew it up–that would really suck. Killed his own Money Man, punched out Percy who didn’t want to fight, and then killed another universe’s Money Man…
Sam can only take so much.
We could always call this earth, “Bob”.
…okay, yeah. That was my first choice, but it’s been done. >.>
Earth-Bob is adjacent to Earth-Avalon in the multiverse. Mostly, the inhabitants make a lot of burgers. Fights are generally cook-offs.
Oops….. Looks like they killed the Money Man. Again.
One of the Raptor X’s. Not necessarily the one with Cap and Money Man
I tink so too. It would be kinda stupid to take an obviously enemy aircraft and try to fly to your guys’ base with it.
My heart just sunk a little! But then Jerry’s not there is he; and that’s who Money Man wanted to recruit. So, that’s not necessarily where the Money Man and Cap are headed.
That’s a theory, though I think an argument can easily be made against it based on what Money Man said in his previous appearance.
Ok, I’ve got to ask. Is Al Radka still alive in this Fresno? And Is there still a LesterBurger stand?
Yeah, I’ve been out of town for a few decades.
Whoa. I’m a Fresno native and I have no idea what you’re talking about. How many decades we talking about, exactly?
I grew up in Visalia, Al Radka was a staple of Television in the Valley on the NBC Affiliate out of Fresno (Channel 24? It’s been a while) from the 50s until at least well into the 80s. He did it all, Commercials (for the aforementioned Lesterburger, Olberti Olives, and many many other local businesses, a morning kids cartoon show, late night horror movies, everything. I heard he died a few years back.