When last we saw Zurida she was making one heckuva deal with Jerry. What is still unexplained is what, exactly, she wants to do with the power crystal now that she has it. That’s next week. See you then.
Sometimes, strips like this are frustrating because they essentially serve as transitions to to the stuff you REALLY wanna see. Transition strips are super important, but with a release date like ours I get impatient! I want to get to the big stuff! Believe me when I say this chapter hasn’t even gotten started yet. Big stuff be coming.
Apologies once again for my lack of response in the comments lately. It’s a temporary situation, I assure you. Look for me to dive into Monday’s comments later today.
Is it a Doom Beam? Every evil character must have dreadful evil beam!
Agreed, but… nope!
It’s a conversion ray that allows Zurida to mind control the whole world to do her bidding before she destroys it using the power crystal…right ?
Nope! No mind control in this story. You’ll find out next week.
Leaving Percy alone with Tom and Michelle who can act as bystanders when Tangerine attacks. This could get bad.
Ooooh… Good point.
Hm…perhaps she wishes to use it to restore Cap to his prime?….
Find out next week!
Marc did another tremendous job on today’s strip. I love CS’s defeated posture in panel 3 and you can practically feel the malevolence radiating off Zurida in panel 4. So much portentousness (I think that’s only the second time I’ve ever gotten to use that word) in so little dialogue deserves a kudos for Brock too. Of course she needs a mad scientist of her own now. Who thinks this is why she really agreed to save Dr Rocket in the first place? Show of hands. It will be interesting to see how things play out as the coalition of invaders crumbles. Today’s crazy speculation: The great evil coming is the parallel dimension’s Mr Crook, who’s still alive and still has his ultimate doomsday plan. http://superfogeys.com/2010/11/16/sf-origins-the-death-of-mr-crook-pg-1-lights-on-lights-off/
Ah, Mr. Crook. The forgotten Fogey. That’s a great theory.