Holy cow! I can’t apologize enough for the past couple days of darkness and the slow, slow, slow SF site over the weekend. We’ve never experienced an outage like that and I hope we never have to again.
Basically, what happened was the site’s server was getting bogged down with hidden junk so we moved the entire site over to a new server. Well, when we did that the whole thing took a powder when some wires got crossed and the server pointed at the wrong IP. I don’t totally understand it all (you can tell, can’t you?), but the end result is that we’re back and better than ever. You should have already noticed that the site is a bit faster than it was.
I’m especially glad because we’re back in time for today’s strip to get a proper spotlight. I’ll say no more about it and let you guys handle it in the comments below.
If you missed the first strip of this chapter (and I know that many of you did), you can check it out right here. Not a typical chapter beginning, I assure you.
If you’re not a fan of The SuperFogeys on Facebook, then you probably didn’t have any idea what was going on. Not only was I giving updates on the site’s status, but I also posted both of this week’s strips on the fan page while the site was down. Don’t wanna miss out again in the event of a future catastrophe? “Like” the page right away.
Did she bring back emo-man?
Please be Mega Matt
Gotta be.
Is that who I think it is ?
I had this posted on FB so my comment still counts:
AAAWWWHHH YEAH! Bring on M.M.! I never lost hope he would return.
*girlish scream*
M.M.’s ganna save the world!
He is the last, absolute, undeniable, best hope for all of existence! All hail Mega Matt.
Money Man.
Wait… the last known appearance of the Money Man, he was about to tell CS who the super menace who they couldn’t defeat right now was. So, the words uttered would be “the” and “dude,” which if those are the only thing, “The Dude” from The Big Lebowski is the undefeatable evil… but… how could he turn evil?
Mostly just being a jackass, I don’t think it’s really Money Man. Everyone’s talking “M.M.” and they mean Mega Matt, so I just had to throw a goofy interpretation out.
Oh yeah, and welcome back to our real-life buddies too! Hi Marc! Hi Brock!
Holy Crap! Please don’t Leave Mega Matt in the demented fan boy dimension, where he belongs, and out of the real continuity!
Hmmm. My post looks stupid! Apparently words in brackets disappear! It should have read “Please don’t (sob!) Leave …”