This is probably the week you’ve been waiting for. Maybe you’re like Cap and you want to know how Money Man is back, but is that really the question you should be asking? Money Man says no. And when Money Man says no, that’s it. He’s rich. He can do what he wants.
In other news… been working through the archives and prepping them for release on Comixology. This is incredibly exciting as our hope is that it will open SF to a new audience. This also marks the first time in a long, long time that I’ve read all the way through the story. Y’know what? It’s not half bad. I remember a lot more flaws and bad art (I still pretty much wish I could go back and redraw the first three chapters) than what I see now. It’s been so long since I’ve read some of it that I had even forgotten some details and punchlines. Always fun when you can experience things for the first time… for the first time.
Looking forward to the conversation today. What good are answers without more questions?
Just going to say… whoa. That was big.
You are not wrong.
Will this be either a hint of your version of Thanos, Darkside, and or Galatcus and his heralds coming into the story soon ?
C’mon… you don’t really want me to answer that, do you?
And click, it all comes together, the fifth finger, the “survival”, the “should not be”… This isn’t their Money Man. It’s an alternate universe Money Man who lived , whose Jerry never fell to villainy, everything’s leading to a Crisis in Multiple Valhallas that isn’t due to a case of Space Pig incontinence.
I like the theory, but I’m not saying anything. (May need to bow out of this conversation.)
Not to mention he’s known as having no powers – but his monocle cord is attached to NOTHING!! *triumphant pause*
So the Money Man is like SIlver Surfer and heralds the all mighty Galactus?
Nah. No surf board.
Now comes the real question… Is it a threat from earth or space, or possibly another dimension. (Like the one where he was thrown in for two years). As for the coming villain… didn’t really surprise me. All the current heroes are worthless (and now dead). The good ones are retired and the villains are still around. Its closer to an end sage or end of time/Norse Ragnarok.
P.S. They also have the major plot device/artifact on earth which caused all of the evil space aliens to rush towards earth. So it’s easy to say something else wants it or something worse is inside it.
Haven’t seen that theory yet. Nice work, Quin!
Oh hai herald of impending doom possibly named a varient of Galactus….
Galactus… Galactus… that name just keeps popping up.
I think I liked Money Man better when he was dead. Enough of the uppity put downs – spit out the danger man.
Could Violent Violet be the eater of worlds? Is there a 4th man to Jerry’s act?
Better when he was dead? Yeesh, man, harsh!
So she’s not dead, but the ray gun knocked a tooth loose. Only in the comics.
Of course! Also, she’s super tough. Also, also, Money Man doesn’t seem the type to kill.
Dun Dun Duuuuunnnnn!!!! Man, I love the build up this has been.
Is it the IRS, are the IRS coming, cause I hear they are getting away with all sorts and no one yet has been able to stop them?!?! Not only that, but I’m sure that’s a force even Money fears.
I think you may be on to something there, Todd. What force scares Money Man more than the IRS? None force, that’s what.
OK, so if this isn’t the real Moneyman, but one from an alternative universe, then I’m going to stick my neck out and say that the big bad he’s on about is Captain Spectacular from that universe.
Ooh… now that’s legitimately scary.
He could also be a time traveler. After all, Swifty’s future? self did warn him about Jerry. But yeah, I’ll go with the crowd and shoot for a multi-dimensional threat of some kind.
Time traveler is interesting. How would that work, do ya think?
A vast and terrible new evil about to descend on the our beloved fogeys . . . Wait, I read all the comments and something is . . . Missing. Where’s the “It’s Mega Matt!” theory? There’s always an “It’s Mega Matt!” theory. *sigh* Well, I guess someone’s got to do it. It’s Mega Matt! Driven insane by bitterness over being tossed away like a day old biscotti and no one trying to rescue him – or even really seeming to care – he’s spent decades plotting his unspeakable revenge on the world! It’s Mega Matt I tells ya!
It just wouldn’t be a comments thread without a Mega Matt reference. At this point, there’s no way I can bring him back in without it being a massive disappointment.
Aw, ya beat me to it.
I’m afraid a Mega Matt inclusion would be sort of like having an actor play a really evil villain as a “twist”…ooh, shouldn’t I have said that? Though maybe you could figure out how to do it well, I don’t know at this point, I don’t predict this comic, remember?
This is all very Neverending Story to me. This threat is a “dark disease wasting away at this universe”? That coupled with “You are not the hero you should be. None of you are.” and “Someone is coming that you cannot defeat”, makes it all feel quite a lot like what began to happen in the land of Fantastica, when people stopped believing…
The Neverending Story, with superheroes?
Man, it’s been FOREVER since I’ve seen Neverending Story. Can’t say I consciously cribbed anything. You’ll have to tell me how closely SF resembles it after you’ve seen how this all shakes out.
Alternate Dimension Money Man
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So basically this is the darkest timeline. My bet is that Moneyman built a dreamatorium and came from the prime timeline…. maybe….
Community references are always welcome here.
@Cowbell, that’s a friggin’ cool theory! I’ll jump aboard that wagon
We need Brock to jump aboard that wagon!
Guys, I prefer mini-vans. Wagons are terribly inefficient.
“A dark disease that haunts us all – BROCK HEASLEY IS STILL WRITING THIS STRIP!”
(No offense meant, of course.)