Marc did such a great job pacing this strip and conveying the emotion that you almost don’t even need words to get what’s happening here between Cap, Zurida and Michelle. In fact, I was able to get rid of a little bit of dialogue, and it’s a stronger strip for it.
Next week we’ll be seeing SF 500. The work that’s going into that one is extensive enough that Marc needs a week off to catch up on other work. So, one week hiatus after SF 500… but let’s not let that week go to waste. What do you say? Instead of Guest Strips, let’s do a Fan Art Week. Submit your fan art to me (any character, large or small) at bwhheasley (at) gmail (dot) com and I’ll run everything I get starting on Monday, April 29th. Feel free to submit during that week as well. No deadline. Just send ‘em in!
So she isn’t shocked that he’s an old man, that the future has come and gone, but she is shocked that Cap had to sell himself to Zurida to free her?
Man, she had some serious faith that he’d be able to figure out how to save her without resorting to this.
2 things:
1. Michelle was married to Captain Spectacular. One can assume she saw and experienced some weird junk over the years. Her ability to roll with it is probably a lot greater than yours and mine.
2. We didn’t see her travel time to the palace, so one could argue that she’s already processed her time jump by the time she got there. Really, that reaction could be tedious to watch.
“You’ve been gone for 20 years.”
“No way!”
None of which is to say that you’re wrong for questioning this (just realized I came off as defensive and that was not my intent–just trying to give some possible answers).
Zurida’s face in the third panel says it all. If I were Zurida, I would just turn Michelle stone once again with her expression of the last panel, just to remind Cap who’s the boss and hit him where he is weaker, in his emotions (obviously, second freezings would not be part of the original deal)
Yeah, that would be bad form. Breaking contract. Zurida has what she wants. Michelle is small potatoes.
Which is better? Turning her back into stone or letting her wonder what had happened while she was turned to stone. All she has seen is aliens everywhere and Zurida right next to cap. I mean the joy alone of letting her see her son (Zurida’s green son) right next to her own (Guy with jetpack) is going to be worth keeping her alive for now.
Well that was a mood killer moment right there.
This just can’t get even more so worse/ awkward, right ?
Oh, no, of course not. It’s all sunshine and roses from here on out! Yay!
OK, so the first condition isn’t working out quite as expected.
Cap knew though. This is other edge of the sword he’s falling on.
Wait till she sees Tom!
That can’t go wrong! Right?
Wow I knew Zurida was evil, but ruining the reunion between Cap and the only woman he really loved (besides Spygirl and first wife that died of course >.>) that’s just cold. Also close to number 500 cool
Stone cold. Zurida’s a… word I can’t say.
Is Michelle green with envy?
The whole world is being attacked. They’re gonna kill everybody. And he sells out just to save two people. Oh, bravo, Cap. Well done.
Let us not forget Dr. Rocket is alive and free to move around.
Thanks for that, Bender. Cap isn’t sacrificing humanity for two people. He has a plan.
Yeah, well, so far Cap’s record has not been stellar on that front. I mean for his whole life, you know. Just sayin’.
Come on, Mark! 4, count them, 4 fingers!
I think that this is a great strip for Cap. It shows that despite his recent bout of selfish behavior, he’s still the good guy he always was. He’s trying to make up for past mistakes. It’s just that, as with a lot of recent behavior, he’s not very good at it.