Hi there. Can we talk for a second? Cool.
It’s funny. The sixth anniversary of the SuperFogeys flew by last month and I barely noticed it. I have so much fun working on the strip that I forget about stuff like that. Just creating the SuperFogeys is its own reward, one I’m only too happy to indulge in.
But it’s not really enough. I’m gonna do something weird here and give you guys a little transparency. I feel like this whole Kickstarter business is a real crossroads for SF, and it’s brought an issue forward that’s been bugging me for a while. I’ve staunchly avoided telling you about it because I always believed it would work itself out, but now I’m kind of thinking it’s not going to.
So, transparency. SuperFogeys generates about 800 unique hits on update days. That doesn’t put it in the upper echelons of webcomic popularity, but it’s not too shabby. On those same days I can usually count on about 2,000-2,500 overall hits. You guys archive dive A LOT. That’s so cool. The story was always designed for revisiting.
Here’s some more transparency for you: I’ve never made one dime off of SuperFogeys. In fact, a lot of money has been lost on SF. We’ve tried things–books, a graphic novel, t-shirts, posters, etc. Demand was never high enough on any of it. The most we’ve ever been able to do is cover costs, sometimes. You ever wonder why there hasn’t been any new SuperFogeys products for the past three years? That’s why. I can’t establish a demand for any of it.
Now, don’t get me wrong. Neither Marc nor I expect to make our living this way. We do it for fun, with the hopes that we can cover the cost of production and maybe have a little extra to do things like go to Cons and take our wives out to eat once in a while. We do have a donation button for Marc, true. And to those of you who have donated, I thank you. I’m okay with making nothing off of SF so long as Marc is getting something for his troubles. Of course, an open-ended initiative like that is bound to die off. And so it has.
Which brings us to the current Kickstarter. It was Team Frog’s idea. They approached us with the idea for the game and they ran the numbers. If just a small percentage of SF readers–say, 10%–could pledge something to the campaign then it would be very successful indeed.
10% didn’t seem like a lot, but I wasn’t so sure. I still had a bunch of Volume Ones that had gone unsold and it had been years since I had asked for anything but donations. Maybe the time was right. Maybe, since there’s a real bang for your buck with something like a Kickstarter Project, the fans would come out. It seemed pretty reasonable.
As of this writing, the campaign has 41 backers for a total just shy of $2,000. Of those backers, the vast, vast majority of them are not coming over from superfogeys.com. That tells me that most of the backers are not necessarily fans of SuperFogeys. Or, at least they weren’t until now.
I love new fans, but where are you guys? We should have easily cleared our initial goal of $3,000 by now. That’s a pretty modest goal for a fanbase of this size. Instead, we’re getting primarily funded by fans of RPGs and the Kickstarter faithful. I’m appreciative, of course, but Team Frog is rightfully asking me why the SF fans aren’t representing.
This is probably a good time to say thank you to those of you who have backed the project already. You are known and I am grateful. Not coincidentally, you’re the same fans who have supported all of those failed products and have donated over the years. None of this applies to you. Thank you.
I know times are tough. They suck, really. People are out of work and jobs aren’t paying as much as they used to. I know it, I really do. Not asking for anyone to mortgage their house to pay for a game. But if you guys are reading SF then I assume you’re enjoying it and would like it to continue, right?
The SuperFogeys is a free read, but is it so unreasonable to expect a little support?
Th3rd World still believes in the strip. I still believe in it. Team Frog believes in it. But that belief isn’t just about believing in the characters and the story–it’s about believing in all of you. Believing that SF is good enough to engender the kind of loyalty that can support more than just a free, two-t0-three times weekly webcomic.
I’m not willing to accept that SuperFogeys is a fool’s errand. That people just don’t really care all that much. That’s what the numbers tell me, but I’m an idiot that way, I guess. I believe the potential of SF is more than the current numbers.
Wouldn’t you like to see this Sourcebook and Adventure Game made real? Wouldn’t you like a set of figures of all of your favorite characters? No? What about books collecting SuperFogeys into volumes? What about bookmarks or a Space Pig plushie or a Soviet Sam body pillow that just needs a hug?
Don’t want any of that? Okay. Well, what about just giving back ?
Maybe this sounds desperate. Oh, who am I kidding? Of course it does. If I’m desperate though, it’s not for myself. It’s for Marc who busts his butt every day of the week to turn out some of the very best webcomic art out there. It’s for Th3rd World who designed and hosts the site and is willing to do anything for SF. It’s for Team Frog Studios who is doing some amazing work on this book/game and who should see something from that. I don’t want anything until all those guys are taken care of. They deserve it.
So, why all this transparency? What am I asking for? I’m asking you–if you enjoy SuperFogeys–to support this Kickstarter.
This is it. This is the line in the sand. The pledges start as low as $1. For that, you get your name in the PDF version of the book. But if you’re willing to go up to $10, you can get both the Captain Spectacular and Dr. Rocket miniatures (and they are so freakin’ cool!). Those are just the basic pledge levels. There’s lots more you could get. Insane stuff. I’m not asking for donations here. I want to give you cool stuff. That’s a pretty sweet deal.
Let’s not do this again, okay? I’d like to see us all band together and send SF soaring to new heights off the back of this Kickstarter. Help me prove there’s a demand for SF and I can get so much more into your hot little hands.
Thanks for reading. Thanks for commenting. Thanks for being a fan. My interaction with you is my favorite part of all this.
Let’s keep it going, okay?
I’ve definitely been one who has read the archives from the beginning, and I really have loved the comics. Some stories more than others, but overall this really is excellent. I was excited to see the Kickstarter campaign, and wan’t wait for my miniatures to show up! I would order more of the comics, but at least since I started reading a few months ago, the site always says it is down for maintenance.
Good luck with the Kickstarter, I’ll start talking it up to everyone I know.
Hey Tom, good to know you! Thanks so much for, first of all, responding to this post and second of all for supporting SF.
And you’re right, the store is beyond broken. A new store is forthcoming. But, honestly, we were selling like three books a year. I’m hoping when it comes back we can do better.
Just out of curiosity, how did you discover SF?
Sold. Happy to contribute!
Thanks, Nick!
Long time reader, never comment. I started reading about Chapter 7 Visiting Day and was hooked. I went back and read all the archives. And read it every update.
I can’t remeber how I stumbled on to the comic. I was either reading some other webcomic (long since forgotten) or maybe i did a Google search for webcomics. I put my $10 in the Kickstarter and if and when I can spare some more coin, I’ll put more in. I could care less about the game. The figures are cool and the trivia will be nice. I did it so I could support my favorite webcomic.
I would buy some Superfogey’s stuff but the store is down. Maybe offer some of those books as a reward, I don’t just spit balling.
Keep up the good work.
After all that I went back in and added $20 bringing my total to $30. I hope it helps. If I was swimming in coins like Scrooge McDuck, then I pledge $500 and get the awesome rewards
ooh I wish the Amazing Hero was still available, I would going digging the couch (and that is a scary place) to get the collection and sketch cards
Hey Buck! Thanks so much for not only the support, but the kind words.
It’s also nice to know that there’s a demand out there for the books. There ARE some available as part of the Kickstarter–the Storied Hero level will nab you the game book and SF Vol. 1 and the mini figures. I think there’s about 25 left. Thanks again!
You’re right, Brock. I’m in.
Thanks, Chris!
I’m in too, I love this comic and I don’t want to see if disappear like so many others. You have my support and my dollars (dollars coming soon).
Dollars now sent, looking forward to my pdf book.
Thank you, Sam!
Do you chose our superhero names for the supporters list or do we?
Either/or. We can choose for you or you can choose your own–just so long as we don’t infringe on other trademarks or use inappropriate names
Hey, Brock. I heard you got funded tonight! Probably has to do with that sweet speech I made. Or, more likely, to do with the amazing work you do and the awesomeness of the stuff people can get by helping you out!
Anyway, I’m getting the SF collection book now. Thanks for doing this campaign and getting me hooked on your comic!
I friggin’ loved that speech! Thank you for all of your support throughout the campaign. Good to see you over here!
Hey, I’d like to give some transparency too – but don’t worry! Good transparency, GOOD, lol. I love SuperFogeys. My biggest reasons for being a fan are: 1) the artwork is more my taste than most Marvel and DC comics, 2) the humor, 3) characters are portrayed realistically flawed and with spiritual dimensions, 4) I’m hooked on the story and emotionally invested in the characters, and 5) so forth and so on… But one reason that I am a loyal fan that is important to this conversation is because SF is free and on my computer 2 to 3 times a week. I can’t keep up with my normal comics – Sonic the Hedgehog, Usagi Yojimbo, Ghostbusters, TMNT, and anything else I might want to read – because of the costs. But that’s just NOT fair to you and Marc. It’s not.
Speaking of Marc, I got those awesome things he sent me in the mail from the contest – THANKS!!! I meant to say thanks, like, a year ago, but life is busy and hectic.
Anyway, here’s more transparency: I’ve dreamed of being a cartoonist since I was at least 9 years old. I know my flagship character/comic SuperMilo isn’t the most original, but I have better ideas I have plans for later down the road. In 2010 I finally had my first issue out for sale in comic shops. I had just started the webcomic in 2009 and was overjoyed if I had just 3 loyal fans. I ended up losing a lot of money on that comic run though. I was over excited and tried to early to sell, I thought. Out of all the comics I put out at all the different stores, most of them were bought by friends and family. It was sad. Like, only one or two sold to strangers. But then I met a special girl and I eventually got married. During my dating her / the engagement I didn’t have time for artwork at all almost and I thought getting married would slow things down, but I was mostly wrong. I’m still not doing artwork. I felt lately that SuperMilo – or almost anything I would do if I could do it – was a “fool’s errand.” I put a poll out asking who wanted to see SuperMilo pick back up. Six people said yes. Sure, I had no “No’s,” but that’s probably only because those people aren’t going to bother looking at my page to find the poll. Now, I don’t want to give up. It hurts. I have to be honest with myself and realize I can’t do comics or much art right now. But I’d like to think maybe I will have time in the future.
So, with those things in mind, it’s like this. You’ve got a much better idea than I did. People like your comic more. MUCH more. And they should! It’s gold! You’ve got both fans and artists – and now a game company – invested in this thing. I bought the trade paperback and the Space Pig shirt (I love that shirt and wear it constantly), and I’d love to buy the rest of the comic – when and if it is printed, and I hope it is!! I’m very sorry to hear that you guys lost a lot of money on the book sales… I wish I had bought more, wish I could afford to buy more… Wish I had donated, but didn’t… But count me in. I’ll talk with my wife and figure out how much we can afford. I don’t want to see your idea die, Brock. I’m sure that however, unlike me, you have already got to that point in your life where you’ve got your priorities straight – you know your family and Jesus are more important. Maybe in the reverse order, ha ha. I knew that, but didn’t realize that I had made such a big deal about and based my identity on being a cartoonist until it was yanked away from me. So, y’know, stinks for me. A real eye-opener. So it’s okay if things don’t work, we have Jesus for ultimate fulfillment and meaning in life. But if that – the SF comic or game not working out – doesn’t have to happen, I don’t want it to. Mine didn’t work out, so what? So, I’d like to help back SF if I can because it’s worth it, as long as you and Marc and everybody want to keep doing it. I don’t want it to meet that end. I’d like to see SF finish its course, maybe even outlive itself.
You know what I’d like to see? More trade paperbacks or printing of the comic in general. I admit that I didn’t like all that commentary cluttering the page – just a little constructive criticism – but I loved reading the comic and, well, that commentary too. I’d love to hold another book – maybe even a complete series book that contains all of SF (but no SFO, as that should be its own book ;-D ) – and read that too. I’d love to buy an extra Space Pig shirt for when this one wears out. I have to admit I’m less likely to buy a Space Pig plush or Soviet Sam body pillow, but only because I have to prioritize my spending and maybe I’m not so much into those things. Know what would be AWESOME to me to see? An action figure line. Yep. I was being serious in that comment I made long ago about an action figure line. Of course, in conjunction with an animated series. I was serious about that too, ha ha. But, yeah, I’d try to buy me that action figure line. Yep.
I’d also love to pay you $500 and see if I can get a non-elderly SuperMilo into the source book as an “anti-hero,” but that’s not going to happen, ha ha. Wish I had THAT kind of money to spend. Besides, I’m sure there’d be all sorts of copyright issues with that idea seeing as I’d like that character to remain mine.
By the way, Marc sent me the original drawings for strip #361, the strip a character based on myself appeared in for winning that contest a while back. I’ve been meaning to surprise you two and take a photo of what I did with it, but haven’t gotten around to it yet – I spent about $100 to get it professionally framed to museum archival standards. It’s not supposed to fade or anything, but it’s not glued so it’s not ruined either. I have it hanging up on my wall. It’s true that future wife at the time really, REALLY didn’t like me spending that money, and I don’t blame her. It was more than I had hoped for – that was the price AFTER I used a 60% off coupon and a $10 off coupon – OUCH!! But worth it.
Anyway, I just wanted to give you and Marc some encouragement, Brock. You two keep up the good work!! I’ll do what I can to help out!
I went out and spread the word this morning among friends and peers, comic shops, convention staff, and artists. Good luck!