Has Percy ever been named before now? I’m not entirely sure. I know he’s always been Percy to me and I’ve been tagging him as such, but did you guys know that was his name before now? Man, you know the story has gotten big when I can’t even remember simple stuff like that.
You guys may be sick of it already, but this is a good time to mention that the SuperFogeys Sourcebook and Adventure Game is more than just a game–it really is gonna be a great resource for SuperFogeys knowledge and trivia. You’re gonna find out a lot about guys like Percy that you just won’t find anywhere else. Check out the full Kickstarter details right here.
*Dramatic music!!! DUM DUM DUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!* Uh oh toms free…this will NOT bode well since percy has that DNA scanner he’ll zero in on the captain and jerry in no time…something is about to hit the fan if ya catch my drift! (BTW i’m surprised toms arm’s didn’t snap from how percy just scooped him up and snapped the chains off lol!)
Cartoon logic? Tom is stronger than he thinks? One of the two, I’m sure.
Yes, you have called him Percy before
I’m not crazy! Whew.
Setter of Suns. AMAZING title. Good writing.
I’ll say it again…awkward moment for Tom to be in.
I hope Tom inherited some of dad’s super toughness because it looks like his arms are taking a beating otherwise.
I think this is my favorite page now. LOL
Wow, Bromance! Unchain me, Bro!
Um…Brock? Does Tom have super-powers…? He. Just. Can’t. FLY?
No, Tom can’t just fly. No superpowers. But he does have that jetpack…
Ah…brotherly love….
ooooh…does this mean Tom’s gonna get to fly with his brother. Talk about an exciting way to fall of the wagon. Fly brothers Fly!!!
I knew he was Percy because of the character biographies web page. In the webcomic? No idea…
I like how Tom seems completely unfased by this… He’s like “yeah, seen it all before” in his behaviour:P
What…how dense is…does Percy really…?
I get the feeling that if Zurida wants to have control over *Tom*, Percy will be havin’ none’a that.
wouldn’t his wrists snapped before the chain? just sayin.
still love the comic, keep them coming
Wow. Got a feeling Percy has to work pretty hard at being evil.
Last panel is the best. “Wow, you’re really excited”. Cracks me up. Not to mention the subtle enough put down that escaped alien logic.
Setter of suns… Was that a bit of foreshadowing just now? As for Cuba… It’s properly safe right now. Lots of super villains retire there and they properly have enough doomsdays weapons lying around to defeat the aliens right now.