Soviet Sam is a character who has gained more recent prominence in the SuperFogeys story, largely because of the way you all embraced him after his origin story. I’ve had a lot of fun playing with the tortured villain who longs to be a hero. I think Sam is a good representation of one of the emerging themes of SF: the internal struggle between heroism and villainy. Sometimes our heroes don’t act like we think they should, and sometimes our villains surprise us. I believe in the possibility for all of us to change, for our good or our ill.
But it remains to be seen which way Soviet Sam will ultimately go…
Why does Sam have such fond memories of Las Vegas? I’ll bet this little moment is one he reflects on frequently!
Poor Mega Matt….
Multi-Baby??? Any relation to Multiple Man?
Yes, Multiplex the Multi-baby is Multiple Man’s father. Obviously!
Is this how you dismiss yourself from having to discuss Mega Matt? Our voices will rise higher…until Mega Matt has his own spin-off comic!
Is it just me, or is the fact that our only two rapper heroes(?) Mega Matt and T-Magus being heavily connected by Gina Galloway a veeeeeeeeery interesting coincidence?
Even if the connection’s not anything major, I’d be quite tickled by Matt’s story at some point involving a rap battle between the two. ^_^
Keep the candle burning, Tyler…
And that’s a good connection, Holaved. One I didn’t even think of!
My thanks! And maybe just a rap battle, then? Even a little one? Pleeeease??
And if not a rap battle, at least show us what we’ve all known all along…that Mega Matt and T-Magus are the same person!
Someone should take Soviet Sam’s face in that last panel and put it on a box of cereal.
Eat your Wheaties, kids, and you might make sad attempts at reform one day, too!
I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that kids will catch on to the deeper layers of Soviet Sam’s character….A very, very long limb.
I quite agree with you on Sam, Brock, and will even extend it further out to the pairing of he and Space Pig look to be slowly mutating into SuperFogeys’ very own Greek chorus.
…which would be AWESOME.
I will keep the Mega Mat search going, that boy has too much spunk to come back.
Love the expressions in the strip and the mention of lights in the sky, boys you better pack your depends you may need them.
I’ve always said we’d return to Mega Matt… I’m just not saying WHEN.
Soviet Sam getting a taste of heroism or Star Maiden going evil? Wondering which is most likely to come back and bite Jerry in the butt.
Maybe both?
If Mega Matt’s still trapped in the past, if he’s got a single intelligent bone in his body he’ll buy a mess of Apple stock.
I could not agree more. In fact, I even wrote as much last week in a blog. Great minds…
As a huge fan of Soviet Sam it’s always glad to see him again, and to see him smiling. Man, talk about some interesting tid bits on the news.
So President Superknocker has just turned a blind eye on the incoming invasion.
I suspect one day we’ll see an 83 year old Mega Matt come to Valhalla with a bone to pick with Swifty.
Who wants to meet President Superknocker? I know I do.
the lights in space…Star Maiden Perhaps?
Hmm… that is where we last saw her…
Remember Sam. What happens in Vegas? Stays in Vegas.
I think Sam would really prefer if it what happened in Vegas would come to Florida. It was his shining moment!
I wonder if he did the ’13 things you MUST do in Vegas’. Some of those things DO come back with you.
It’s kinda weird though seeing Sam happy.
Also when I first looked, the middle panels looked like they were the same but then I noticed that Space Pig’s fishbowl reflected light different way in each panel. Nice touch.
Marc told me he had to redraw that last panel several times to get Sam’s expression right just because it was so weird to see him smile. I think he nailed it.
Thanks for noticing all the effort and detail Marc puts into each and every panel.
It DOES look perfect.
Regarding the search for Mega Matt… He’s President Superknocker!!! Duhn duhn duhhhnn!
When are we going to see Matt’s dad again?
Now there’s an interesting theory!
I had this great mental comic strip going where Mega Mat became Super Dave Osborn’s sidekick. LOL, I so need to draw this.
The questions that burn most in my mind: Where is Mega Matt? Was T-Magus REALLY invisible to everyone but Tangerine? IS President Superknocker a superhero? How are we going to become privy to Star Maiden’s actions in deep space? Is Arachno the arch-nemesis of Fly Guy? When will we get to meet either of them?
I am so in love with Soviet Sam! (-sucker for big guys with bigger hearts-)
But the other thing that occurred to me to reveal how perfect these strips are: they also show how wonderful of a friend Space Pig is. I didn’t like him at first – the concept was disgusting and he seemed a petty, immature character. I am seriously astonished that you’ve managed to make his friendship with Sam a feature that makes me brighten every time I realize the two of them are in a strip together. Kudos to you for that, Brock. Kudos.
(I would say kudos to you too, Marc, but you’re making them TOO ADORABLE and occasionally heart-wrenching. Hmph! How dare you use your artistry to make me FEEL things?)
Yeah, the Space Pig concept is truly disgusting. That’s a joke that got away from me.
But yes, the Sam and Pig stuff is one of new favorite aspects of the strip as well. Glad you like them together!