375 – In The Zone

Discussion (25) ¬

  1. CartoonistWill

    Sadly for one such as I who looks for the good in Cap, I find the contrast between this scene of apathy and the last strip featuring his ex-fiance’s possible demise to be appalling.

    • Bryan

      I was pretty much thinking the same thing :(

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      Of course you realize that Cap is entirely unaware of anything going on outside… right?

  2. Si Civa
    Si Civa

    And it was the luckiest day ever.

    • Si Civa
      Si Civa

      I think, however, that I ‘know’ part of the reason why Captain S is addicted to gambling like this, because maybe it’s escapism for him from depression. After all he lost his boy and we have seen him being in very bad shape in the past indeed.

      This came to my mind when I was talking about how I think that if I started to drink alcohol (what I have never done), I might overdo it to escape my bad feelings which could in turn ruin my life.

      • Brock Heasley
        Brock Heasley

        I’ve always thought that I’d be a terribly wonderful alcoholic. I think my disposition is towards addiction and I get why people get swallowed up in their vices. My sympathies are with Cap, but don’t forget that many have successfully argued against him NOT having a gambling addiction.

        • Si Civa
          Si Civa

          But only you know how it is. ;)

          Expect if you haven’t choosen it yet, eventhough I guess this is the kind of thing writer must know, but then again, things happen.

          • Brock Heasley
            Brock Heasley

            I know.

  3. gnrrrg

    It all starts with not returning a coin… and Captain Spectacular becomes a super villain!
    Conveniently enough, Jerry can still be his sidekick.

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      Ha! That made me laugh out loud. Comment of the week.

  4. Scott

    Little wonder Dr. Rocket gave up on revenge on Cap. Also little wonder why he doesn’t want his adopted daughter to have anything to do with one of Cap’s kids. Well, except maybe the green one.

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley


  5. Greg Bulmash

    That zzz before the blam? Was that Cap blowing up the cashier with his super powers or was that a stray bolt from donutbot?

  6. Brock Heasley
    Brock Heasley

    Stray bolt from Donut-Tron.

    • Infamous Nefarious
      Infamous Nefarious

      XD Every time you call it that I giggle with malevolent satisfaction.

  7. Infamous Nefarious
    Infamous Nefarious

    Sorry I’ve been absent! Unintentional radio silence over here….. Everything has been really awesome. This? This is icing on CS’s crap-cake. And I don’t mean that it’s bad or that he’s not so great anymore. He’s just REALLY determined that he’s not getting up and doing jack-squat about that robot isn’t he?

    My two favorite details about this update are A) It isn’t just ONE coin flying away from the wreckage of the cashier. It’s a LOT. Because realistically? There isn’t gonna be just ONE quarter than JUST HAPPENS to roll across the floor in his direction. There’s gonna be a lot. I’m moderately surprised a bunch didn’t his him or bounce off his face. Not that it would hav elikely made a different to Captain Apathy there….

    And B) He didn’t think twice about picking up that quarter and slotting it. Technically? That’s stealing. That quarter belonged to the casino. Either way it didn’t belong to him and he just ‘yoink’ snatched it up and popped it in. Are we seeing a total personal alignment shift on the part of the Captain? I think so. Wonder who has to die before he gets his head out of his wrinkled butt.

    Good work sirs!

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      That’s a really great insight.

      That’s all I’ll say.

  8. Tyler Heasley
    Tyler Heasley

    I wanna know what CS is whistling.

    • CartoonistWill

      The Andy Griffith theme song.

      Which, freakishly enough, as I started typing “The,” the actual Andy Griffith Song started playing on a TV in another room of my house. Scary.

      • Brock Heasley
        Brock Heasley

        True story: its “In the Hall of the Mountain King”

        • JE Draft

          Brock, are you trying to put him on the same plane as Peter Lorre in “M?” Geeez!

          • Brock Heasley
            Brock Heasley

            More like the impotent Winklevoss Twins. (But you remind me that “M” is in my Netflix queue and I really need to get to it.)

  9. JE Draft

    Our actions determine who we are. Inactions, likewise.

    Whatever the excuse, whatever the reason, whatever the motivation, the result is the same. Many a man who thinks himself a coward finds his empathy, his spirit and his courage in that moment of crisis where inaction would simply be unthinkable. Alas. here’s our so-called hero purposely ignoring all the hell around him to stay safe in his little bubble.

    Coward and weakling. What happens if he himself gets hit with a “stray bolt?” Is he going to ignore that, too? Will he finally do something if his precious bank of one-armed bandits gets trashed, or will he just go looking for another, undamaged part of the casino? There is no way that he can redeem himself at this point. Even if he finds his sack at last, defeats doughnut-bot and tries to make it up to Spy Gal, he can’t, in any realistic way. This isn’t Herman this time. And I really doubt you’re taking this much trouble just to set up a mind-control copout. But – I’m just a reader. We shall see.

    • Brock Heasley
      Brock Heasley

      Harsh, harsh assessment. Is it justified? That’s up to you guys.

      Mind control cop-out? Nope. Not going there.

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