Sleep is precious to me. I’m an insomniac so when my eyes are shut and the world fades away, that’s a sacred time. I’m of a generally pleasant disposition, but if you wake me before it’s time to get up, I will rip your head off and stuff it down a toilet. Then I’ll go back to bed. I’ll feel bad about it in the morning, when I’m well-rested.
Early on in my marriage, this was a big problem. My wife made the mistake of waking me up one night and I couldn’t get back to sleep. I got so angry and frustrated, I got up on top of the covers and started pounding the bed like a gorilla. We had a talk the next morning and it was decided I had sleep anger issues. I’m much better now.
In college, I started going to bed at 1 – 2am. This was fantastic. I was working two jobs and taking a full load of classes and dating/marrying/having a baby. Late nights allowed me to get homework done, watch movies and play video games. Then I’d sleep for five hours and be out the door to work and/or school by 8am that morning. I didn’t drink caffeine, I didn’t take pills. That junk is for wimps.
Now that I’m not in college? No change. I turn 35 in January and this is still the schedule that works best for me. You know why? Solid sleep. If I try to sleep for 8 hours, it’s in fits and starts. But when I go to bed exhausted? It’s solid. I wake up refreshed. Just don’t bother me before the alarm rings. You will be missing vital organs if you do.
My wife is the opposite. She’s usually out by 9:30 or 10:00. This gives me about three or four hours a night when I’m on my own. After college, I was happy to use that time to watch even more movies and play even more video games. But somewhere along the line I realized that all that extra time was good for something and I was wasting it. That’s how SuperFogeys and other various projects were born. Now, I spend most of my time at night writing. Usually until I pass out on my laptop. It’s fantastic. I actually feel a little guilty on those rare occasions when I watch a movie instead.
What about you? What time do you go to bed? Have your sleep patterns changed as you’ve gotten older? Do you conk out at 8:30 like a punk? Sound off below!
Um, I’m seeing ads but no strip inbetween’em.
I’m not seeing anything, either.
you’re right no pile of stuffed animals. no strip either. Ha
The ‘Walking Diagonally’ strip was missing earlier as well.
I think the Captain’s gonna railroad his future with Spy Gal on his own.
Spy Gal is definitely taking charge here. I love The Thrice Evil’s response.
Spy Gal is a take charge kind of, uh, gal! You’re gonna see that in a big way over the course of the next couple weeks.
she asked the wrong question. it ISN’T his robot but he did build it. glad to see everything is back to normal on the site.
Too true. That there Dr. Rocket is playing semantics!
Somehow, the below comment by JEDraft went through on the old server. I present it here without comment.
“So — you’re writing Captain Spectacular again purposely to make me hate him? How am I supposed to believe that this guy was ever a hero? Was ever dynamic? Ever actually worked up the energy to get outside his own head? Is the problem that he’s basically falling into senile dementia? Does he love Spygal or not? Does he have any sense of responsibility or not? There’s a bloody giant robot outside, rampaging and he plunks another quarter in. How am I supposed to believ e that? Why is this guy even on the logo for this strip? At no point ever can I actually believe that a realistic woman chearacter would ever be attracted to this guy. At no point have I ever had any great interest in him. Geeeeeeez …”
98% of all giant robots, seems like a stereotype to me
In line with JEDraft’s comment, I can’t decide if it’s in character for him or not, to be honest. His old hero self? Certainly not. But as you look back at the lows that he fell to in his life, maybe he really is completely burnt out. He’s lost the traits that made him a hero. What SpyGal is really interested in is Old Cap’n, which is why they’ve been having troubles. She may want to believe that the Old Cap’n is still in there, but it’s so buried beneath all his carp (yes, carp) that he’s not the same person, not the same hero.
You make some good points, Mike. I think when we have history with somebody (especially history as long as the one Spy Gal and Cap share), it can sometimes be difficult to see who a person IS because the memory of who they WERE is so strong.
Looks like one of my comments got eaten. It was short and to the point though: Jerry might be nuts, but at least he does something.
Too true. Can’t accuse Jerry of sitting on his butt all day.
Sorry about the missing comments. We had a transition period there but it’s all worked out now. Comment with confidence!
I dunno man….. 98% is a ratio you can’t argue with there. It says to me that his robots are in high demand. And if they’re in such high demand then it has to be because he’s a manufacturer that despots and megalomaniacs can trust for high quality, reliable mega-robot uber-engineering. I don’t wanna think that it’s because they could just be globally scaled mass produced crap either…. I mean, those things aren’t cheap. I’ve got 3 and only finished paying the lease on the 2nd one….. Might have to mortgage the wife to get a jump start paying on the 3rd one.