Remember the first time we found out that Captain Spectacular doesn’t like to wear pants? Good times.
And it’s not like that was the last time a no pants joke was made. You know what we need? A pantsless Captain Spectacular jokes compendium.
You say you want more SuperFogeys? You got it. August will feature TWICE the normal number of SuperFogeys updates! That’s right, twice.
Remember the SuperFogeys 2010 teaser? I know you do. Well, I wasn’t kidding about that tagline. To celebrate the major reveals and fallout coming, it’s time to ramp up production. Here’s how it’s all gonna shake out. Tell your friends.
Tuesday, Aug.3 – SF Origins: Spy Gal’s Secret Mission, pg. 3
Thursday, Aug. 5 – SF 268
Monday, Aug. 9 – SF 269
Tuesday, Aug. 10 – SF Origins: Spy Gal’s Secret Mission, pg. 4 (final page)
Thursday, Aug. 12 – SF 270
Monday, Aug. 16 – SF 271
Tuesday, Aug. 17 – SF Origins: Baby Swifty’s First Words, pg. 1
Wednesday Aug. 18 – SF 272
Thursday, Aug. 19 – SF 273 (The end of Chapter 9, Head Games)
Monday, Aug. 23 – SF Origins: Baby Swifty’s First Words, pg. 2
Tuesday, Aug. 24 – To Be Announced
Wednesday, Aug. 25 – TBA
Thursday, Aug. 26 – TBA
Friday, Aug. 27 – TBA
Saturday, Aug. 28 – TBA
Sunday, Aug. 29 – TBA
Tuesday, Aug. 31 – SF Origins: Spy Gal, pg. 1
Sorry about the TBA. I’ll let you know what that’s all about just as soon as I can. I mean, I know what I’m posting that week, I just can’t tell you yet.
Seriously, folks, there’s no bigger or more important month for SF than this next one. Hoping to do interviews and really “get the vote out” as it were. In fact…
I’ll be talking to Kurt Sasso of the TGT Webcomic Podcast on Aug. 17 at 8pm PST. Kurt is planning on doing a “call-in” show so I’m hoping that at least a few of you will be inspired to participate. Text Chat will also be enabled if you’d like to follow along and submit questions that way. Links and details to come!
On Tuesday, Spy Gal shoots her way to her destination in SuperFogeys Origins.
Then, on Thursday, Dr. Klein has some harsh words for Captain Spectacular. You think today was harsh? You ain’t seen nothing yet.