I just want to make special note of the amazing work T.L. has done on this page. I had some last minute ideas, AFTER T.L. had drawn it, and then again AFTER he had colored it and he was good sport and carried through will all of my multiple revisions without so much as cross word for me. I know what’s it like to have to put up with changes that really should have been figured out a long time ago and I admire T.L. for both this work ethic and professionalism.
Plus, holy crud, is it just me or did he step it up a notch (again) with this page? Those colors are stunning and fit perfectly with the story we’re telling.
Thanks to everyone and their positive responses to my little mini essay on Cami’s seizure over the Labor Day weekend. Really, I shared that with you all apropos of nothing, but you were all very kind in indulging me. Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers.
Cami has been great ever since then, even expanding her vocabulary once again to four words this week (you’ll remember that we’ve spend the past two years with just one). She now says “Hi,” “Dada,” “Pa” and “Bye.” Next stop: Antidisestablishmentarianism.
We should be wrapping up production this week! The book will be off to the printers! Print run is limited, so order your copy sooner rather than later if you’re interested (and how could you not be?). You can see some preview pages here, and links to purchase the two editions are at the bottom of this post!
See You on Thursday with SuperFogeys 224!
Don’t forget to order your copy of SuperFogeys Vol.1 today! Available in both Artist and Regular editions! Collects Chapters 1-5, FIVE Untold Tales of the SuperFogeys, commentaries, never-before-seen art, and much, much more. Get The SuperFogeys off the screen and into your hands where it belongs!