Brock Heasley, the creative genius behind the immensely popular SuperFogeys webcomic (first appearing in 2006), agreed to sit down and do a web-based “fan-terview” with me. In late spring of 2011, I came across SuperFogeys on a friend’s site. I had heard of the series back in the height of and had read a [...]
Posts Tagged ‘superman’
Man of Steel Review: You Will Believe Kevin Costner Can Parent
by Brock Heasley on June 14th, 2013I’m going to do what I can to keep this review spoiler-free, but, obviously, if you want to know absolutely nothing going in, turn back now. Superman is my favorite. More than Batman, Spider-Man, Captain America or Tom Strong, Superman is my go-to superhero. The sad thing about being a Superman fan is that he’s [...]
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SPOILER! Man of Steel Review Follow-up: About That Ending…
by Brock Heasley on June 18th, 2013After I wrote my review for Man of Steel, the rest of the world got a chance to see the movie and reaction has been… mixed. Some, like me, are crazy about the movie. Other can’t believe they’re actually calling that guy in the tights “Superman.” This is mostly due to the ending of the [...]
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Podcast! Brock and Marc talk “Man of Steel” with the Geek League Crew
by Brock Heasley on June 26th, 2013Hear us now! Geek League of America has a new podcast up and Marc and I were invited to come on the show to talk with Jeff and Shawn Carter and give our thoughts on Man of Steel. Marc and I don’t exactly agree, and no one on the show is as enthused as I [...]
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Sep 7, 2011 | Guest Blog: “FANTERVIEW” BY BENJAMIN KISSELL |
Feb 5, 2014 | The Redesigned Soviet Sam and Spy Gal! |
May 4, 2015 | What You’ve Been Missing on the SuperFogeys Patreon |
Aug 28, 2015 | Marc and Brock on the Webcomic Workshop Podcast! |
Jan 21, 2014 | Brock Talks “One Year Later” with Kurt Sasso from TGT! |